Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow Fun!!

We finally got some snow--like actual snow-like 6 or 7 inches of it!  It has been lots of fun riding in it, but it is melting fast!  Good thing too!  Our road commissioner only plows enough for one car to get through if he plows at all--so you can imagine all the fun we have if we ever meet another car!  Actually, this wet snow is really slippery-even my 4-wheel drive truck has a hard time in it and today I had to help Alan get his truck unstuck-at least he had a tractor to pull himself out!  On the way to work Wednesday morning, I thought the roads would be pretty good-HA!  I passed the mailman in the ditch and was wondering if I'd make it myself as my truck went fish tailing from one side of the road to the other--not fun!  Thoughts going through my head was panic and disbelief!  How'd the school bus get through!?  I also kept remembering what my Dad said about dually trucks-if you get a dually stuck you are really stuck!  I made it through!  Praise the Lord!  Then at work some guys came to work on one of the barn doors and had to be pulled out with the tractor since their 4x4 truck was stuck!  Slippery, slippery out!  Pretty soon-it's gonna be muddy, muddy if it ain't already!

I absolutely love riding my horses in the snow!  It's kinda like having an outdoor sand arena!  Great for spins and reining stops!  Worked Missy yesterday in the snow and Kitty today in the snow--but we had to be more careful since it was more slippery!  (btw, they do much better in this snow than the 4x4's)  Both worked really well-sometimes they just make me smile till I can't stop!

Last Saturday, I decided to go "amish" and hook up our mini, Chica, to take her to my neighbor's to do his horse chores.  It's kinda funny to see how other horses react around horses pulling carts....anywho..Ted decided he wanted to come with me so we headed off to do chores the fun way!

Kitty today after our ride--she looks HAPPY!!!


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