Sunday, December 19, 2021

God, it's beyond my strength! (a cry from the heart of a child of God)

There are many times, I run out of strength and need God to take over.  I know that my body is slowly and at times painfully dying so I have learned to depend on God for my strength and relief each day.  Everyday I ask Him to help me get through one more day.  "Be my strength and energy, Lord.  I can't do it without you."  Each trial I walk or crawl through is a learning experience with God.  He teaches me lessons, reminders and sets me up for the way He wants to use me because I'm so broken and weak at times there is no one else who can possibly do for me what God can and does.  Trials can sometimes lead to despair in a Christians life.  We pray and the prayers are unanswered.  We spring into action, but nothing good comes of it.  We hang in and wait on God only to have even more problems arise while we wait.  We try to be helpful only to constantly take a face plant.  We try to be of help only to end up being a dagger instead.  We get to a point where we just want to give up.  I'm not doing any good for you here, God.  Just take me home! 

I was at that point today.  Out of almost nowhere, besides being tired, such despair.  Many questions.  God, if I just hurt people than why am I here?  God, I've followed through with what you said, but look where it got me!?  God, why have you brought me through so much only to destroy me now?  God, why have you burdened my heart with something so heavy I can't even express it rightly to anyone?  God, why have you lead me to this path?  I was barely able to walk the previous one! 

I came home from work and I sat in the barn and I cried and cried and cried.  That was part one of my time with God....just weeping.  Then came the talking.  I didn't hold back any of my questions or anguish from God.  I told Him everything.  How I'd really like to give up right now.  I've failed Him.  I asked Him to forgive me too.  We will have to answer for every word and action we say or did or didn't on Judgment Day...makes me tremble.  

I had noticed a previous sermon by David Wilkerson, "Have you felt like giving up lately?" on my phone earlier today but was not intending to get to it but God told me listen to it now!  I can try to post it on here too.

So how do you get out of giving up?  3 points David W shared.  1.  Don't think you are experiencing some strange new battle.  You're in good company according to the Bible!  Ex.  Job, Paul, Elisha, many etc!

2.  Call on God!  Loudly even!  It really is in the Bible.  Psalm 30:2, 31:32, 55:16,18 72:12 Psalm 18 

3.Take the promises of God. Go to your prayer room/closet and hold God to them!  "God, do more than I ask of you!" (Eph 3:20)     

God, when its beyond my strength, its all on you!  I'm going to pray and seek you God and believe that you are working in me, but You have to get me out!  God, help me to listen and hear and recognize your Holy Spirit in my life!  God give me more of  You because I can't do life without You.