Sunday, July 11, 2021

Jump into the Holy Spirits current!

You cant mess up Gods plan for your're just not that powerful.  You cant think, I've wasted my life for God doing.....this for 10 years....No, nothing you do surprises God and He uses our past hurts and failures to His advantage.  If you dont believe me, brush up on some Bible characters like Paul and Samson or Ruth or David...God only has messy sinful fallen people to work with but if the devil can make you believe God has made you to suffer because you did too much wrong or that God just doesnt love you anymore then the devil can destroy you. Then God cant use you to help others going through similar struggles or God cant grow your need of Him and how much you need to trust Him as He allows you to be stripped of your strength, pride, finances and relationships.

You're not being destroyed by God when God allows you to go through trials...Gods just rebuilding you...tearing down your strongholds or things you think you need and replacing those strongholds with the need and desire to hold onto Him!  

I cant talk much about this subject as I'm still learning to trust God but God invited me to take another step and trust Him further and share some tough things I never thought I'd ever share but when you are truly trusting God...His opinion of me is the only one that matters.  Not my family. Not the higher ups. Not my friends. Not my mentors. Not my enemies. Not my neighbors or co workers.  But what is Gods opinion on this matter...or closer still, God what do you want me to do?
Then just jump in and do it! I heard this example of the Holy Spirit...its like a raging river that many are afraid to jump in because the current looks too strong, it might be unsafe, I might even die!  We dont think about being fully swept in by God to willing go where He leads because it might get rough but man, have you ever jumped in and been amazed at the rush of the powerful oversweeping beauty of following the Holy Spirits leading? Because once you experience the current of Gods power, you'll want to jump in more and more! Despite the dangers ahead! You know who controls the current and you want to be with Him and soaking Him in everyday because He fills you with His presence and once you taste it you wont be satisfied until you experience more and more of His presence in your life! 

Go ahead and jump!