Sunday, June 7, 2020

The bigger picture part 1

How many of us are wanting to know the bigger picture today?  How long will this social distancing last?  How long will our lives be so different?  What affects will this have on the economy?  Will our churches be able to stand?  Will Christians stay firm in Jesus?  Will things continue to get worse?

We do have many questions....but we can also take our questions to God because He already knows and sees the big picture.  He also gives us plenty of scriptural prophecies/wisdom/readings/stories for getting through tough times like this and even warns us of the end times.

Or the everyday questions: When will God provide me strength, heal my body, my diseases, give me wisdom, help me find a job, a spouse, raise my kids, buy a new car, etc.

Recently, my brother and I rode horses into a HUGE cave.  It took almost a minute and a half to reach to where we had to dismount and explore the rest on foot.  I have never ridden in a cave that long and thought it was a pretty neat experience.  However, without a light, I would have been terrified as to what might be in the cave or perhaps something to trip us up,  Without a light, I can not see how big the cave is or what was in it I needed to avoid.  I was thankful for my flashlight.  We hiked clear to the end and turned our lights off.  It was dark. But then my eyes adjusted to a light not the cave opening but a glimmer of light bouncing off a rock that the opening could reach.  Amazing what a little light can do in the dark.  Was this enough light to see much?  Absolutely not it was just a point to try to get to since I could tell light must be that way.  It was so tiny so again we HAD to turn our flashlights back on especially since there was a part in the cave where the ceiling fell in making the footing quite tricky in places as it required some climbing!

Without the Bible and praying to God, we have no light in this dark world either.  We would be stumbling around in the dark getting more hurt and more lost.  However, when we turn to God and look to His Word for directions, we can all the sudden see the beauty even in the dark.  My brother and I could see some very pretty crystal rocks and even an orange and black spotted salemander in another cave etc.  We can also have peace and comfort in our dark world knowing that God is walking with us in this dark and evil world.  And the fact that my brother and I had each other made the exploring even more fun and possibly made us more confident in the dark.  So remember your brothers and sisters in Christ can help encourage you through the darkness as well.  We walk this dark world with Jesus and He is enough, but then He allows us to walk through this world with His other children too and this should inspire us to walk confidently through this dark and evil world.  And never forget that a little light goes a long way!  Point others to Jesus today!

This last picture is of the cave crystals we found in HUGE cave.  Not sure I have any pics of the huge cave otherwise.  lol!  too dark!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

"I was throwing fiery darts at my fellow warriors...."

Everyone has their opinion on what's happening in the world right now.  Most of you, if you read my last post know which stance I have, but that is not what this post is about.  I'd like you to read this all the way through and consider carefully who you are fighting against.  I also want to thank those who are loving me through this and have different opinions. I thank you for sharing with me and I love you too!

I'll admit that I have had a much different view of this situation than what seems like most Christians.  Let me say, I have concern and love in my heart for all people so please do not say I don't.  The point here is that I have discussed concerns with others and they too have discussed theres.  We both have scriptures to back us who's right? Has one of us gone mad? Are we both still Christians? (God does mention that many come and preach in His name but He does not know them) We both (I do hope so) are taking our concerns to God and researching scriptures fervently to see how God or His people should react to such a matter and not just rely on smart people and facts but upon Jesus, the way the truth and the life and upon the gospel of Jesus Christ, our ultimate source.

God then showed me in a day dream (I was not sleeping but I was listening intently) what He thought about some of my concerns.  First He mentioned that we all are created differently and for good reasons.  I may be bold as brass does that make me anymore Christian than someone who is tentative and submissive? No. God designed us differently because we as brothers and sisters in Christ can work better when we come together.  Each of us bringing our gifts and talents and our unique personal traits that God himself designed for each of us. 

God then shared with me a scene.  I won't forget it.  I saw Satan and thousands of his demons prepare to battle against Jesus and His saints.  This is an everyday occurrence.  Satan and his demons threw fiery dart after fiery dart into the saints that stood for Jesus.  Most of the time the saints came together and could fight off the Devil, but as I watched, I noticed that instead saints were firing upon saints!!!  My brothers and sisters were throwing darts at each other!!!  I couldn't believe it, Satan and his demons had somehow made us enemies to each other and now we were killing and wounding our own!!  I heard Satan's evil laugh erupt when he told His demons to hold their fire.  His smug evil expression as he said, "Hold your fiery darts, they are warring each other!  We will save our arrows for the next battle!"  In shock, I tried to warn my sisters and brothers that we can not stand if we don't stand up together!! But it was too late, division was rampant and wounds were inflicted.  Now, instead of throwing darts at Satan, I too began throwing darts at my fellow warriors.  I was throwing fiery darts at my fellow Christian warriors! Trying to persuade them to see like me, I threw dart after dart and they threw them back at me!  As I was about to give a death blow to another saint, God then opened my eyes to see that this is not the warrior He wants me to be!  The wounded saint which I had almost done in, instead I gathered up in my hands and embraced them.  I cleaned up their wounds and we sat in silence.  Dear God, where do I go from here?  For I was afraid to talk for fear we would just fight each other again.  Long silence.  Quick prayers.  God revealed to me, that love can still heal division and wounds and even anger and hate.  I got up from the battle field, now quiet somehow and looked into the eyes of the other saint and said, "Remember who the enemy is!" (Many of you may remember this line in Hunger Games) And with that, I helped my wounded warrior back up and we turned our arrows once again on the Devil and his demons.

God helped remind me that we shouldn't be fighting each other but fighting against the Devil and all his demons and schemes and wickedness and etc!  The Devil and wickedness is rampant today and we need each other more than we ever have before! Can you find it in your heart to be soft and tender towards each other...can you focus on the real enemy?  

Can you forget that you are Baptist, Presbyterian, Apostolic, Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, many etc and remember who you really are: A child of God.  A saint.  A warrior. Can you put down your accusations on all your brothers and sisters of every religion and can we come together and fight for Jesus?  Can we do that?  Can we look past differences and come together?  Otherwise, I do fear the above battle scene is happening and will continue to happen.  We need leaders of every church to get together with each other and maybe say...hey we need each other.  I will stand against evil if you will stand against evil.  Because churches you are basically dead when you have no believers gather.  That's something Satan is loving right now.  Believers aren't gathering.  Maybe our church leaders of all denominations can mark a day where they will stand up for Jesus and against evil and say this is when we are going back to church. (technically we would be submitting to our constitution because religious freedom is in it) (also our Christian founding fathers knew the importance of separation of church and state) As I heard today, sometimes the people have to remind the leaders what's right.  Can we do that, IL?  And if we all stand together, we can conquer Satan.  If we can't stand together, this hating, this hurt, this division will crush us and the Devil will win many victories.  Let's not let him win so easily!  Let's come together in Jesus's name and fight!  Let's fight for each other and let's fight for our God.  Because we are indeed in a fight.  Just remember who the enemy is.

My prayer has been to have a soft heart towards my brothers and sisters, but to have a boldness in the areas I am suppose to for Jesus.  That I can love Jesus fiercely through this and grow closer to Him! And I pray we can all heal from this. I pray this for myself first.

I encourage you to be soft hearted and be bold for Jesus!  Yes!  You can be both!  Seek God!  Stay strong in Him!  I also apologize for my many ungodly traits as I'm sure many of you are well aware of.  But I do love you all and pray that God can continue to guide me and mold me. 


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona Virus--point of view from a high risk

I would like to share my view on the corona virus as someone who is considered at a high risk for getting this virus......and most likely dying from it.

You might be wondering why I consider myself a higher risk.  I have Rheumatoid Disease or commonly know as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) which means I have a confused and broken immune system.  Everyday I wake up, my body attacks me and my body doesn't take a break at night either which can be the worst as when you're in pain, it's very hard to sleep.  Here are some facts below as I don't want to make this too long and get you too involved in my personal health problems.

 Image result for pictures and quotes of rheumatoid arthritis

I understand and can sympathize with people panicking over this very contagious corona virus.  When diagnosed, I too was extremely scared, but since I've had this disease for over 10 years, God has taught me that I can trust Him.  You see, before this outbreak of corona virus hit, I have always been at a high risk of catching ANY virus, flu, or disease and dying from it.  The last virus I caught literally took my breath away as I couldn't even talk without breathing heavy nor walk 10 feet without getting dizzy.  So I do NOT want this corona virus or any other flu, virus or disease out there. Get this-- I can be around a healthy person that carries a disease and though that person is not sick, I can get sick from them as they pass it to me and my poor immune system!!!!  So you never see me in public right? Wrong.  I have learned to just try to keep my distance and go to places less traveled and practice good cleaning and washing hands etc.  I'm not a neat freak (I work outside in dirt sweat etc) so most of all God had to teach me how to trust Him.  As Job in the Bible said, and as I found myself saying when I was really sick with the last virus I had.....God, though you slay me, I will trust you!  I'd rather be dead and yours, God, than alive and not yours.

So I take precautions and try to prepare the best I can for things, but I do not go into lockdown as the world is doing and ordering right now.  I am actually very disappointed with many churches and Christians right now.  I can't see the Apostle Paul accepting this lockdown right now.  That's like me saying, I will never go to church or be around people again because I have RA and don't want to catch anything from anyone.  Yet those of you who know me, know I go to church and other social events.  I do not lock myself in constant quarantine.  How am I to expect others to see my faith and trust in Jesus if I lock myself away from everyone and let my fears control me?  How are we to be the hands and feet of Jesus if we are afraid to stand out for Him when our world needs to know Jesus more than ever right now!?

God says be in the world, but not of it.  In other words don't go along with what the world is doing!  Now, I understand that we are to be subject to our government according to the scriptures.  However, there are times in the Bible where the government does not do what is pleasing to God and the believers go against it.  Plenty of scriptural examples.  Daniel thrown into the lions den after worshiping God when he was told not too. Paul being thrown in prison after being told not to preach about Jesus.  Many, etc.  To me closing the churches is a sign to everyone looking for truth and answers right now that even us Christians are scared and can be controlled by a virus. To me we are saying we don't trust God with our health and lives so how can we expect others to come to know Jesus through this pandemic if we our "tucking our faith tails."  I realize if you are reading this far, you may be angry with me and saying....but the church is doing this to save lives!!!  For the good of all mankind!!! To submit to our leaders!!   

Mark 8:36--What good is it for someone to gain the whole world (good health included), yet forfeit their soul?

1 Peter 4: 12-19--Basically, saying don't be surprised with painful trials and suffering.....this is something Christians WILL experience. Commit yourself to your faithful creator and continue to do good

Luke 18:8-..............However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

I could give you more scriptural references but I'm trying to keep this blog short.  So in short...;)  I'm discouraged to see how little faith America has.  I knew we were getting bad, but was hoping for more.  Grocery stores out of stock because of panic buyers, people staying at home not lifting a helping hand to their neighbors, social media causing mass panic, churches switching to online services, people hording items to resell them at a huge profit at others expense, people dying in hospitals and nursing homes alone and without family because no one is allowed in to visit them, even animals being left on streets out of owners fear of catching the virus from their pet etc, etc!  Resources have already stated that they will end up having to pick and choose which patient to save and which to let die as they are expecting mass patients who need ventalators, meds, etc.
Now more than ever do we need each other.  We need to gather in prayer and support of each other.....even if that means meeting somewhere outside in small numbers 10 foot apart and pray and read scriptures and sing praises to our God.  Right now there are Christians meeting each other in secret and if found out will die because their government will kill them for worshiping God.  Yet, here in America........

No, I don't want to die, but if I'm going to die, I want to go down as having faith and trust in my dear Jesus.  I want Jesus to say, Well, done, my good and FAITHFUL servant.  I don't want to be isolated and let my fears engulf me....I want to keep spreading God's love and be bold till my last breath.

So what do we do, my fellow soldiers and followers of Jesus?  We may have to get a bit more creative.  There is a church in Florida who was doing drive in church.  Loved that idea.. sitting on top of cars or in cars and away from each other they could at least see and hear each other praise the name of Jesus!  And they were not breaking any governmental laws....we have so many strict rules, I'm not sure what we can do anymore.  But how about meeting outside in a field with lots of space and praying or singing?  How about setting up a question and answer forum on facebook with Christian counselors?  Even Christians have plenty of questions right now as does those who are searching for answers and thought they could look to the church.  How about calling each other and praying over the phone or sharing scriptures?  How about posting signs on our church doors with numbers or websites people can call to learn about our dear Jesus who can give them peace and comfort during this time, but most of all save their souls from eternal death.  I know I will be praying for more ideas on what I can be doing.  I may blog more often or share some Horsing Around for Jesus videos with you at some point.  And I continue to love my neighbor. Last night, I was riding by a neighbors house and he and his little boy and I like to talk/pet horses and my dog who I take riding with me occasionally.  Anyway, they were so excited to show me their new chocolate lab puppy, I had to get off my horse and congratulate them and pet that cute puppy!  That is what we need to do now too!  We have JESUS'S LOVE to share!!!  Death, where is thy victory?  Grave, where is thy sting?!!  Jesus has got me and he has you through life death and of course a virus!!!  We can still be excited about sharing this news!  It's good news, It's GREAT NEWS!!!  No virus can keep us down forever if we are God's!  Trust Him!

More good news is that we could be closer to Jesus coming back!!!  I'm digging into that this week (end times) as I think it's an appropriate time to be alert and ready as Jesus states we should be.

Readers, if you read this whole thing and you'd like to talk or pray or email or use messenger on facebook, I'd be happy to share with you the love of God and how I know He truly loves us and how we do not need to be afraid even if we are at a high risk of dying from this virus or any virus or disease! (like me!)

If anything, you guys can now better understand and sympathize with us!!! that is people with auto-immune disorders or any poor immune health go through everyday.  We wonder if we will get sick and how bad it will be.....will we live through this?  Will we recover or will our body get even worse?  Should I shake hands?  Should I go to a social event and risk those germs?  Is there a way to get less pain?  How careful should I be?  Should I risk my health and travel?  Should I stay on this drug that suppresses my immune system?  Do I have a future with all these problems?  Am I living pleasing to you, God, with this health problem?  How painful will my final days be?

I'm glad God has taught me how to better trust in Him as I am seeing from what's happening all around me what happens when we don't trust Him.  I need God everyday and I can't imagine the panic I would be in without Him.  He's still working on me.  I have a lot of flaws... I do not claim to fully understand my Savior and His ways and no one can, but I do know He loves me.

I'm thankful to know our world is in the Saviors hands and so am I.  I'm in the Saviors hands!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The job of a believer

How was 2019 for you?  How is 2020 looking?  To be honest with you I'm not too excited about 2020.  2019 was a great year as far as most major concerns and family time and vacations and I just see too much "stuff and things" in the way for 2020 to come even slightly within reach of 2019.  Maybe I need to plan an exciting equestrian challenge to perk my year

Fact is life changes for most of us in a year.  Except mine.  Or so it can seem.  My life can seem very similiar to the last year and the last that all the sudden I'm in the next decade wondering what happened in those 10 previous years!!!  Didn't I accomplish anything besides not much in that time frame?  I have talked to some amazing people, my age and even younger than me, who have really done amazing stuff with their lives and while I'm excited to hear about what God allows/does in their lives, I wonder to myself, why isn't this kind of stuff happening in my life?

I'm reminded of the line in the Christmas movie Elf (pardon this analogy) where Buddy the Elf is wondering what his special talents are and why he seems so different from everyone else because everyone else seems to have similar talents except him.  The elves try to console him in saying that he does have special talents like changing the smoke detector or something like that.  Doesn't seem like much talent when compared to the others of making toys, cookies, shoes, etc.  However Buddy realizes that he does have a talent for spreading Christmas cheer so focuses on that with the help of Santa to remind him of who he is.

We live in an unfair society in which talents include and looked up to are wealth, position, number of friends and who your friends are, expensive new things, how big or neat your house is, how smart you are, etc.  And if you don't have these you are a no good for nothing and you need to acquire these as fast as you can to be successful and talented and become a somebody.

When I compare myself to this, I really am a no good for nothing nobody.  God has to remind me that it's not for land, wealth, position, or sheer talent or success that I'm here, but to spread His love to others.  Am I succeeding in that?  Or am I searching for something else to succeed in that society will accept?

Sure I'm quite bothered at the lack of my "society successfulness" but God gently reminds me that I don't have to succeed in that.  Like Buddy the Elf, I'm not just any human, I'm one of God's children and my job is to spread God's love. 

So, I'm asking myself....How are you doing with spreading Jesus cheer?