Sunday, November 17, 2013

Things I've noticed about country maybe it's just me...

1.  If you don't have one, maybe the neighbor does and you can borrow it
2.  It's okay to wear your pj's out to do morning chores, get the trash, mail, etc.
3.  If you see a tractor, truck and/or trailer driving down the road-wave and smile at that person who's driving it
4.  If someone's horse/cow/goat/dog etc. gets loose-anyone and everyone who hears about it is ready to help ya catch 'em.
5.  Word gets around pretty quick so if you are talented at any type of farm work/animal training you'll probably be asked to help more often
6.  You can set your own styles
7.  Feel free to play in the dark
8.  Neighbor's are friends and sometimes act like family even if that neighbor lives more than 5 miles away
9.  Yes.  We work hard on our own improvements and projects.  But we can take time out to help you on yours.
10.  Ya.  We own guns, but we don't use them on each other.
11.  If ya have a question-just ask! We aren't uneducated out here-we actually know some things and we are always happy to share.
12.  We don't mind if you have a different opinion than us, just be sure that it ain't all ya talk about!
13.  If you smell like dirt, sweat, horses, or hay, you can still show up at parties and blend in
14.  Our doors are always open to company
15.  We feel more secure in a heard of cows or horses than a group of people
16.  We are concerned with how much rain we get, how our animals are doing, how fast the grass is growing instead of what store has the most selection, what traffic lane moves the fastest, or what clothes to wear to work.
17.  We tend to be loyal and we honestly care about each other.
18.  Young to Older adults who still own and ride horses are an encouragement to others (I've actually been told that a few times)
19.  Everyone has or had a dog.
20.  We have a good amount of pride in where we live and what we do even if it's really hard to make ends meet.  

Now tell me....if'n you've ever lived in the country understand what I'm talking about don't ya?!  :)