Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Say What? Beep. Vibrate.

Communication is key to any relationship, but as I see it, American's (people in general) stink at it!  Sure we've got 1000's of ways to "communicate".  Facebook, cellphones, texts, emailing--those are the more outdated ones I suppose, but no one really can communicate well unless they are fully engaged which takes much effort in today's world as I often will be in the middle of a conversation with someone and their phone starts to vibrate or sound off a new text message or call.  Most of the time, they will answer their phone before finishing up with me--if they even remember what I was saying.....Ever happen to you?  I understand emergencies.  I understand that demanding boss at work!  I understand that your kid just pooped his pants and needs attention.  I understand if it's your out of country/out of state friends who rarely ever calls.  So yes. In some ways, I realize the importance of "disengaging" in your communication.  But really is your patience and time so limited that you can't stop to listen?

I believe that our lack of communication is an element of what is taking down our society.  It's a serious problem!  But there I go, jumping ahead of myself and thinking too deep with not enough time to write it down in words for you.  haha...yes I stink at this communicating thing too!  I would like to say I'm well above average, but then again maybe I'm well below?  Just depends on what I am including/excluding?

Let's take what I understand.  I understand that to be a good horse trainer one has to be a good communicator to the horse and listen to what the horse is telling him.  When you first train a horse, you can't disengage for fear of the horse trampling you, ignoring you, or they'll do just whatever they please which of course wouldn't be good communication at all!  However, if you take time to listen to the horse and engage yourself wholly to that horse for those moments of training--your horse will in turn listen to you and be engaged and communicating in a way that brings about a close relationship.  Why does that work?  Because the trainer has taken time to get to know the horse without being distracted.  The horse knows he can trust the trainer because the horse knows the trainer is completely trustworthy and will take care of his needs.  Basically, they know that they will be there for each other.

Of course, I could give you Biblical examples as well.  If we are poor communicators with God that can draw disbelief, no trust, and a whole bunch of ?????

Doesn't it just do something for your heart, soul, and mind when someone listens?!!!!!!!!!  It makes me feel loved, happy and there's a complete bond happening!!

Yup...Communication is really messed over these days.....I find myself escaping that by horse training.   It's just me and the horse.  No interruptions.  Fully engaged with each other and fast becoming better partners.

Take what you want out of this...This just reminds me to try to be a better listener, less distracted and more focused on what that person is trying to communicate....because it might be the last time they reach out!

Here's a picture of 3 of us doing our part to listen to each other...Love the sunset color!