Friday, June 21, 2013

A Big Road Ride

Some pictures of a long road route we like to do occasionally..just never taken the camera along! 

 Here we are under the railroad!
 I just love this BARN HOUSE!!!  Too much house for me though!  :)

Lots of goings on around here!

I realize I've left ya'll wondering what I've been up to......  Well!  I'm excited to say that I have been able to go horse camping twice (since I took a week off for that), gone to 4 horse shows, been on the news channel and been scarefully (I don't think that's a word) sick!  To tell you the truth...I'm exhausted!  But at least I'm having fun inbetween!  Let's break it down with pictures for you:  First we (Ma, Pa, Ted, me, Missy, Chica and Autumn (our dog) went to Leroy, IL to Moraine View State Park.  We had an excellent breakfast--bacon, cheese, and potatoes!  Nummy!

We had alot of fun playing in this creek since it was the only one big enough to play in!  Plus it was really hot and I was getting sicker... :(  Ted is such a cute cowboy in this getup!

Here we are back from the ride!  Missy was quite overly excited to be going trail riding!  She was a handful, but settled down eventually--or maybe it was just due to her allergies and coughing!

Did I mention Missy loves water!?  

So then we went home for a day and it was a good thing for me cause I was pretty sick with a cold, sore throat, and cough!  But I refused to let my cold get the best of me and we took off for Jubilee the next day (which was actually their first day open for a very l  o   n   g time!  So I left Missy at home and brought Kitty with me this time.  Monica joined us for Friday which was very nice!  :)  Here are some pics:

 The 2 beggers!  We had loads of fun in the creeks and had perfect weather!  Hope the trails get ridden more though---tons of stinging nettles and my horses buck through that stuff!  (It seriously is like a mini rodeo!)  

Tada!  I had made it through my vacation week--ALMOST!  As I had mentioned above, I've been fighting a cold for about two weeks and still have one!  The scare came when I experienced 3 throat closures (stops your breathing for 30 to 60 seconds) in a 24 hour period!  Once I did it right in the middle of a Charity Horse Show I was showing at!  I thought I was gonna die at a CHARITY show of all shows!  I told Mom that I was prolly gonna need an ambulance--and if you know me you know I am NEVER one to say that!!!  Made it through that show alive and no 911 was needed, but it sure got my prayer life together!!!!!  So that convinced me I needed to see a doctor.  Went to a nurse practitioner and she said it could be an allergic reaction to something cause there are lots of allergies going around I guess.  I never thought I had bad allergies.....?  Hoping that's all this is so please pray for me and that we can get this figured out!  Right now I'm on predisone and will be switching to an allergy medicine tomorrow so hope it works!  Thanks for the prayers!