Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Stuck in the Roundpen"

Do you feel like you are always stuck in one place?  Like you'll never get out and experience all that is meant to be for you?  You're caught up in life's never ending circles and you wonder...Is this it? God, is this how you want my life to be....I don't get it...why am I stuck in this place?

Part 1

The best way to start horses is by using a roundpen (which is an enclosed circular area with a diameter of 30 to 60 feet.)  That way the horse can focus more on the trainer without many distractions and room to get away and learn the basics to becoming a reliable, safe, and trust worthy horse fully connected to the trainer.  Similar to how we, Christians, start out.  We would never learn anything from our Heavenly Father if we never stopped for a moment of enclosed time with Him.  For example, reading your Bible or praying at a certain time of day in a place away from distractions. (that's comparable to us in a roundpen looking to our trainer).  We have to start (and become refreshed) this way because the outside world is full of distractions that take us away from our Trainer, who wants to create a reliable and trustworthy human for His use.  The best way of connecting to our Trainer is to get to a place where we can focus almost entirely on Him.  I say almost because we are so distracted...Like horses if we see something different or hear something crazy we loose focus right away on our Trainer.  But with lots of small steps and lots of effort by our Trainer we get drawn into His love and we desire and long for a connection because we realize that it's His love and guidance we most need in our lives.  Without it, we have no purpose or use and we'd just be wondering around and spooking at whatever we want and never ever finding a place of comfort or rest.

As time goes by the horse eventually trusts the trainer to even get on his back and ride him.   Just as the more we learn from our Trainer, the more percentage of us we give Him.

....But there are always distractions, tests and trials that seem to shake and rattle the horse when taken out of the safety of the round pen.  Now the horse has to trust the trainer in a different position AND area.  The horse that once did everything so beautifully in the roundpen and with the trainer on the ground now has to work with the trainer on top of him and in a bigger area!  Free from enclosure!

It is at this time some horses can't handle the open space...without seeing the trainer on the ground they can't seem to focus so these horses are usually worked with more in roundpens or sometimes bigger enclosed areas before finally being free from all enclosures...because they need more time with the trainer....and this isn't a bad thing as most of us along the way need more time with our Trainer too.

Some horses are ready to delve into this new exciting moment of freedom, yet they realize (unlike the above horses) that the trainer is still there and with them so they don't need to fear eventually leading up to more trust and a deeper connection with their trainer.

Why do some horses learn to trust faster than others?  Same reasons we learn to trust our Trainer (God) fast or slow.  Sometimes we really agree and like what He is doing with us so we learn and bond quickly.  Sometimes we hate what He is doing and fight against it fiercely so we learn and bond slowly.....even becoming more suspicious and distrusting of why our Trainer would want to hurt or upset us...we can't see the hard lessons as growth in our relationship....Rather we see them as moments of  where our Trainer left us or let us down.   Then like horses, we look for a way out of the hurt....we fight our Trainer or we flee from Him causing even more distance and less connection between us.

A good horse trainer, like our God, will notice this struggle and bring the horse back to the basics...with horses it's usually the roundpen or smaller steps....we lost their trust and we want it back.  God, too wants us back when we fight and flee from He doesn't put you in a roundpen, but He does take small steps toward you.  They are often hard to see as we are so full of hurt and anger it can be almost impossible.....

The difference between humans and horses is about as much as we are similar.  The biggest difference being our souls.  We have a soul.  Horses do not.  Our souls long for love, peace, hope and truth.  We can't seem to rest without them.  There are temporary fixes that we find but they don't last.....what lasts?  With all the questions racing through our minds, we remember a place where we had love, peace, hope and truth.....we remember how it was in the "roundpen."  That place we went to focus and be with our Trainer....that place where the truth exists and where we are loved by God and we have peace in knowing that and a hope that even with all our mistakes and missed opportunities, God still wants us.....we go back to the basics.  We dig deep into the Bible...looking for Truth, Love, Peace and Hope....We cry mixed tears of agony and joy in our prayers for forgiveness while longing to be loved again.

Part 2

Sorry to slow you down from those above questions, it's where God seemed to lead me at the moment.

So you've graduated from the basics and you still feel stuck?  I don't need to be overly used by God, I just want Him to use me more than He is.  (Which is kinda a silly statement because we really don't know how He is using us)

I'm looking at this quote as I type, "The secret of success in life: Prepare for opportunity when it comes."  --Benjamin Disraeli  (whoever that is)  Psalm 118:25 O Lord, save us; O Lord grant us success. was the verse with the quote.  I'm not going to go deep into that scripture right now except that the success that the psalmist is talking about could mean heavenly not earthly.

But the quote just reassures me of why we sometimes get stuck.  We need to be prepared more for whats up ahead.  You can't just ride any horse on the edge of a cliff!  You gotta do some preparing and trust exercises to build your relationship so that it is strong and not easily shaken.

I usually get stuck for 2 reasons:  ( at least these 2 are the ones that came to mind) I look at my life and I go wow, I've been in basic Christian training for so long...when is God gonna use me?

The other is that I'm afraid of what's outside the roundpen!!  Fears swell up!!  Success?  Failure?  Pain?  Hurt?  Loss?  A blessing?  A test?  in short I have Lots of doubt.

I don't really have any wisdom for myself except that God must be preparing me(us) for something....maybe only contentment with where I'm at, but maybe there is something big that He wants me to be prepared for?  The best thing I think (and what I've been told by those with more wisdom than me) we can do is to get to know our Trainer more and more so He can prepare us for His use and in His time. We blossom with more time spent with our Trainer.

Hang on partner and I'm talking to me
The roundpens not the worst place to be!
For one day soon you just may be called on
Stay ready, don't pass up that baton!

Part 3
One thing I feel like I need to add.  Well trained horses still get problems.  Sometimes you have to take them back into the roundpen for some more trainer time...its not usually because they have completely lost it and can never be used by the trainer...its just that they need some redirection and focus time to fix their problem.

Us too. Just because you've been a Christian for 20 plus years doesn't mean you don't have any problems to work still need that bonding and focus time with your Trainer too. So don't feel bad if your struggling or having problems....your Trainer wants to help you get your focus back on Him.  Join Him in the roundpen.  Yes it can be humbling and agitating that we still need training.  But He wants us to realize we need Him to be useful. Will we let Him train us?