Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The TEST God needs you.

Recently, I have been able to go trail riding at a local park and I have greatly enjoyed my time out in the woods with Jesus and tons of bugs! Well, kinda wish the bugs would leave. I am spending my extra time trail riding because I hope to take my horses to the mountains for a week later this summer and they need to be in great shape for the difficulties that await them. The place I ride, doesn't make it easy on them, the trails haven't been mowed so they have to push through weeds, cross over logs, go through stickery bushes and go through deep muddy creek crossings. Of course, I don't ride them on purpose through that! And no, I won't do anything to hurt my horse! I actually love the pressure and challenges this place gives my horses because they learn to go anywhere for me and do anything. They learn how to be a confident trail horse making the mountain trails and terrain an easy test to pass.

How's your test going? What's God testing you with? Is He taking you on some unmowed trail that no one seems to be taking, but you? Are you weary of picking your feet up again and again only to be tripped again and again? Do you feel like your sinking away from Jesus and what He has called you to do? Are you walking in mud up to your knees and you wonder...why is God doing this to me? Is God taking you on a path that hurts? The harder you push towards Him, the more painful the cut. Has God ever allowed you to experience a test like this?
I have to admit, I do not understand the way of my Trainer. I just have to trust that He's making me into a confident soldier. He is preparing me for new challenges that, with His help, I can conquer. He is preparing me to battle with the devil and the challenges the enemy throws at me everyday. I heard it said by David Wilkerson as he was talking at a ministry conference that the world is so dark and evil that God can't spare any of His good soldiers! He needs you! You gotta stay in the fight! Don't stop!
The first thought I had after hearing this....Wait, David.....God doesn't need me. God doesn't need anybody. I don't think I've ever heard a preacher tell me that God needs me. It's always God loves you. The reason I came to God was because I needed Him. God certainly did not need a messy, crazy, horse loving blonde....
I guess I really don't need my horses to be in good shape, I guess I could climb a mountain or 2 without them.....but do I want to do it without them? Nope! I want to do it with them so they gotta be ready!
Now, God can save sinners without you, He can control the weather and your health without you, He can minister to hearts without you and do whatever He wants without you. But does He really want to do it without you? I want to invite my horses to climb mountains with me, but God invites you and I to invite others to Him! He wants to use you and me...not because He needs us (although He needs us to trust Him, seek Him, put on our armor, fight the devil and evil, keep persevering, sweating, getting cut up, but by all means you let Him get you into spiritual shape!!)....but He longs to use us if we will let Him because He loves us.
So, I guess it's okay to say that God needs you. God needs you to stay in the fight so He can use you. God needs you to suffer now so others won't have to for an eternity. God needs you to stay in the Word so you have an answer ready for anyone who asks you why you believe in God. God needs you to come to Him for all your needs. God needs you to keep following Him! Yes, others have strayed but you keep your eyes on God! God needs you to keep encouraging others to love Him more. God needs you to keep rejecting the enemy! God needs you to stand between the gap! God needs you to confess your sins, so He can free you. God needs you to give Him your heart so that He can save you.
God, please help me stay in the fight, knowing you can use me how I am, knowing that you love me, despite how I am, and knowing you need me to go through the tough times to make me a better soldier ready to be used by you. I need you so much God. Amen.