Thursday, June 28, 2012

Horse Showing at PRC-read my show story!

It's that time of year again!  It's horse show season!  Yehaw!  Monica, occasionally Ted, and I all love showing at the Pekin Riding Club (PRC).  This is a fun show for showing horses although it goes super late-till about 12:30 at night so I'm usually in bed by 2:00a.m. and barely awake next morning (my night owl friends should be proud!) for work, BUT it is sooo worth it!  My horses have been doing great and even being placed most of our classes!  I have never had so many 1st places as I am experiencing this year!  Maybe because there are fewer adults?  The show goes to late?  Well, whatever reason it is, I'd like to think that I indeed DO have the best horses in the whole wide world!  : )  Time for a little bragging on my girls.  Kitty NEVER practices for speed events because we have no where to practice, but she has consistently received at least 2 firsts every time we go to PRC.  We are certainly not the fastest, but we are the most consistent I'd say!  At PRC, they have a pleasure arena and a speed arena both going on at the same time.  It is frustrating for Kitty and I to do pleasure because she always gets overlooked by judges-why?  I have no idea?  She does everything!  Last time we finally placed in trail class but only because we were way to good to be overlooked that night, I guess!  I like to not be frustrated so I stick to speed with time being your only enemy! I have taken Kitty to 3 of the 4 shows this year and point wise we are tied for 4th overall in the speed arena!  Wow!

 Above: We were both so excited to be cantering at Jubilee without coughing I guess I got a little sloppy with my seat.  And she was really ready to run-because I haven't been able to do that with her. I should have tightened my reins more because I had them to loose-she wanted to go FAST!  : )

Below:  Kitty and I on a tail around our house in the fall of my senior year.
This last show, I took Missy, her first show of the year.  I really wasn't expecting much from her since I hadn't been riding her very hard since she has these terrible allergies.  However, she was doing well enough with her coughing I decided to take her since it was her 5th birthday!  I can't believe we've been together for 2 and 1/2  years!  : )   PRC always does a challenge class in each arena and they were both jumping classes.  I just started training Missy for jumping-Missy had maybe 4 lessons under her cinch so I wasn't expecting alot from her.  Plus, this is my still coughing horse!  Well, don't underestimate your horse was the first lesson I learned.  We had ONLY been practicing very low jumps at less than a foot or cross rails-which my home-made ones are about 3 or 4 inches off the ground if that....: )  The speed arena uses all cross rail jumps and the first one Missy walked over, but jumped the others with no problem!  Hunter Hack was certainly a surprise!  They had at least 2 foot wood jumps-no cross rails.  I had never asked Missy to jump this high yet I was a little unsure about this class to say the least.  We were all allowed one practice round. Missy's practice round consisted of cantering up to the jumps only to put on a screeching halt and seemed to ask me if this were possible.  I walked her over the first jump and the second jump-we looked quite out of form in fact she made it look more like we were in a trail class.  Well, I was pretty sure we wouldn't jump it (did I mention she had to do a double jump? we had NEVER practiced that either!), but I decided whatever it will be a good experience for her so I kicked her into the canter and headed for the first jump.....what happened next was quite inspiring and almost made me cry with delight!  Missy, knowing what I wanted of her was still slightly unsure at what to do with this jump, but at the last minute, I could feel her body strengthen and her hind feet push off the ground and muster up the power needed to clear the first jump.  My heart was racing...we just JUMPED a two foot jump!!!  Then I was thinking...Nuts! we still have to clear this second one!  With all her heart and feet too, Missy leaped over the second jump only reason being  was because she loved me and wanted to please me because I'm pretty sure she wanted to be done after that first huge jump!  This made me think of another lesson called love and perseverance!  She had just cleared a two foot, 2 two foot jumps for ME!!!  Needless to say I was overwhelmed with pride and appreciation for Missy.  It truly is amazing what  you can get your horse to do if you have that special bond with them!  We finished the pattern and the judge told me, "You just won the class!"  What?  Wow, I think I almost started crying--I know I was smiling!  Another highlight for Missy and I was placing 3rd in the trail class!  We had the best back through of the night and we did that scary rope gate with no problems tonight-the only thing that messed us up was the tarp, but we went over it after we looked at it for a bit! : )  One of the last year judges was watching Missy during this class and said that I had done a really nice job with Missy and she was impressed with how far she has come since last year.  It was a nice trail pattern!  I was sooo pleased.  Monica took Eisis for her first show and did amazing as well!  We had so many complements on our pretty-well-behaved horses it made my night!   What to know more just ask me about it!  : )  I love bragging about my horses!  Still praying for Missy, she did cough a bit, but not enough to keep her from cantering or jumping in determination to please me!  What an awesome experience!  Thanks, God!  : )

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Poor Missy

I realize that as a Christian, one should look for the good in everything and believe that Jesus has everything under control even when it seems like everything is getting worse.  Sometimes it is very easy to trust Jesus when things are going OUR way, but so often (at least for me) when things don't go the way I think they should, I sometimes feel that God is making a mistake in my life-maybe I shouldn't trust Him?  During these times, God tests me and He tests me alot, but this is how I grow spiritually.  Right now, God is asking me to trust Him that Missy (my horse) is in good hands even though she is having trouble breathing properly as her at rest stage is fine, but if you run or trot her she coughs non-stop.  Last year the only thing that helped her problem (I think she has allergies, asthma, or something...) was putting her on a supplement everyday to help her breathe.  I thought I had found something to help her year round, but about two weeks ago she started coughing-bad.  So, I am discouraged.  This is one of my horses I was going to take to His Ranch-I hope I can still go with her.  Please pray for her.  I tried a drug and that made her worse. She was coughing bad at a stand still!  Now I'm gonna try more supplements.  Hope she eats them and we can find something to help ease her coughing.

There is always a bright side to things and if you remember my previous post entitled Mysterious Goings On, I mentioned Kitty being stiff and not being able to find a joint supplement she would eat.  Well, I found one she eats!!! (took us awhile) and she has not been stiff ever since.  However, she could have just sprained something in the pasture while playing.  Apparently, horses become stiff for a number of reasons.

As you have probably gathered from older posts, Kitty, Missy and I were in trick training together for going to His Ranch.  However, I haven't been able to ride Missy hard or well with her coughing just at the trot!  I feel very behind...go figure I get the round pen ground ready and my horse gets problems..such is life!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

More Horse Stuff!

Just wanted to post a couple of cool/cute pics.  The first picture is of Jackson, one of the Clydes at Alamar acres.  However, he is kinda special since I was the only one there to help this now big boy into the world.  He is actually a show horse this year!  Woohoo!  The next picture is me showing off my cowgirl chaps which I got from a neighbor for doing his horse chores!  The other pic is also one of the Clydesdales.  A foal from this year at 3 weeks old.  He was having some problems so he had to become a gelding, but he is doing well now.  His name is Cletus.

Where do I start, Folks?

Perhaps a brief introduction is in order since I have not blogged in quite a long time!  It has been very busy and it's amazing that I have a couple minutes to type.  Let's see..what have I been doing since last post.....boy, don't know where to begin!?  Exciting news first?! Sure why, not?  Monica and I got to go horse camping at Jubilee on Mother's Day weekend! (Happy Mothers day in advance to my mother!)  Highlights of that trip was spending time with my sister and Miss Kitty. You could also add chasing a raccoon up a tree!  : )

Then it was time for hay.  This year the first cutting was unusually good so we decided to get a load of hay from our favorite supplier, Troy, (sorry no last names-he's all MINE!!) Then about two weeks after first cutting we filled up the rest of the barn with 2 second cutting racks which will hopefully last a   l   o   n   g  time!  Specially, since I worked too hard and too fast and ended up getting overheated-yuck!  Good thing for my RA (rheumatoid arthritis) it slows me down a little otherwise, I'd probably do 10 times more work!  Yes, I'm a hard worker and don't mind working hard as long as I got my Jesus, my family, my horses, and a big truck-haha!  Below: pictures from camping trip.

Jubilee has some very scenic views!

 Deep Spot!

Taking a needed leg stretch! Below is a delicious breakfast-love it when I can start fires!  

I'm also very sore from spreading ag lime in our little arena roundpen-next is sand-but my back says "forget it!" Yes, I have horses, but no tractor, no skid steer-nothing but my two hands and rakes and shovels.  I'm thankful that Monica was able to help me for almost an hour-it was about a 3 hour job and I should probably check it our again to make sure I've got it where I want it before the sand comes.  I think I'll ride today instead because I NEED to ride more as I am going for sure to His Ranch in Taylor, Missouri and I want my horse to be in top trick horse mode and good horse mode-which could prove to be hard, but I'm letting it up to God for how it all turns out.  Well, I gotta get a move on, but wanted to give a smidge update!  : )