Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Judge vs the judges

As most of you know, I like to hit a few horse shows per year.  I do this mostly because I have a fun time, but it is also good training for the horse and for me.  In doing so, I meet a lot of nice people and alot of not so nice people.....which is typical wherever you go-not just at horse shows.   Anyway, I'm the competitive type and don't like to lose if I don't deserve it!  I hate my competitive side and I love it at the same time.  It's handy to have on those days where RA tries to get in your way, but it's a pain to have it on those days where you get a judge who hates your horse and decides to not place your horse no matter how good they do!  This seems to happen a lot....judges and shows are so liberal......it can be depressing especially since I know how hard I've worked and how hard my horses try for me and how they should have placed comparing how others made mistakes and we actually didn't. Well....I was thinking the other day about all this and was thankful to be reminded of the one and only Judge that matters or should matter to me.  Yup, you guessed it--JESUS!  Jesus is the one I should be worried about.  And thankfully, he doesn't mind if I'm not the prettiest horse out there, or if I'm on the correct leads, or if I'm doing the pattern without making any mistakes. He just cares about if I'm doing my best for Him.  I can rejoice that Jesus is my Judge because he only judges my heart and I don't need any registration papers, halter points, or championship saddles to impress Him.   I can just rest in knowing that my Judge knows best and if I place last, He doesn't care as long as we did our best.  So the next time those judges make your blood boil, just remember to be thankful that they really don't have the last say in the matter.  Their opinion just doesn't/SHOULDN'T matter!  So next time you're misjudged, remember to RELAX and smile because the True Judge is watching and what He sees is more important than what they see!  So please...smack me, remind me, and settle me down the next time I get too competitive because we're only down here for awhile so let's let everyone see His light on our faces even when we are misjudged!