Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Tricks

So I'm trying to teach Kitty 2 new tricks, the smile and how to grab a hanky. I want to be able to use both my horses for entertainment not only for me, but for others. Maybe even make a little money off it too! I've put an outline together for next year, and will probably perform just for family. After all, I may not be so good.....: ) However, once Kitty learns a trick she seems to get it even if you don't practice! Shame on me! However, I don't have anywhere to work a horse safely and consistently for some of the tricks, so I am trying to do it other ways which is tough. Well, I'm just gonna have to see if we can learn some of these new tricks by next summer so we can really show off. I probably have enough the show off now! Kitty has learned 6 tricks (some cute and some very impressive) so far so we'll see if we can't add to our list without her getting fussy! After all, she is a crazy mare, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
My two lovely girls....aka best horses in the world!

Love this pic!

Missy's 1st show as a 3 year old! She had just turned 3 in this pic and was sooo good!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Expensive Horse Toys

Man! I can't believe the price of horse pedestal's! Average price: $400 to $500!!!!! If you don't know what a pedestal is, I will explain. It is sorta like a very tiny box or table the horse learns to stand on by placing there feet very carefully. I've been wanting Dad to make one for me, but it seems we have too many projects around here. So many I need to catch up on....I owe that to a broken back. Oh's not catastrophic now is it? : ) However, I think I can even build a cheaper pedestal than that! The search will be continued..........

Friday, November 11, 2011

So, you think equestrianism is easy? {The Re-Make}

Back to Work

Well, after landing wrong on a bucking horse and breaking my lower back-it is time for me to start going back to work. I've been bored silly long enough! It has now been over 5 weeks since the accident and I started riding my Broke horses a little after 3 weeks. It's a good thing I did too-it helped keep me sane. See, I'm the type that has to be DOing some type of work. "He that shall not work, shall not eat!" Fortunately for me, I'm still maybe that is unfortunate...I'll have to ask the scale...

I will admit that it will be hard for me to get back on an unbroke horse. Not only because I could fall off again, but mostly because I could fall off and get hurt even worse. I think I feel about the same way a person who was in a car accident would feel....How do you get back in the driver's seat? Same thing with a builder-how can you go back to work after taking a horrible fall? Think of something you haven't done because you were scared or worried it could turn out wrong. I'm not the one to end on a bad note, so I hope to break (the kind of breaking that doesn't involve hurt) something again-even if it's a mini horse!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why start a blog?

Good question! Maybe it's just because everyone is getting them these days...........or maybe it is because I actually have time to start one! I probably won't be on here much anyway.....