Monday, July 8, 2019


There is a reason that God wants us to put on His armor everyday.  We are in a battle whether it be with satan, sin, worldly desires, others or ourselves, it rages on.  We can't do it ourselves.  We need God's help and if you are getting your help from something or someone else please please don't settle for that!!

So many of us get tired of fighting and we settle for something that God really doesn't want for us, but in His mercy and love, He lets us choose and so many of us choose to settle for something lesser than what He had in mind.  God ONLY wants the BEST for us.  Re-read that.  God only wants the best for us.  Do you believe that?  I sometimes roll my spiritual eyes at that comment when my life is falling apart around me and the battle is raging fiercely.  So God you want me to have a severe flare up of Rhuematoid Disease right now?  You want my horse to be lame right now?  You want people that I dearly love to have all these problems?  I don't think you want whats best for me or my life God....I will battle on my own and settle for something else right now.  That is how I get and that is how we all get at one point....we doubt our God.  We doubt His love and care for us.  

But can I point out something to you dear reader?  Jesus told his disciples in John 16:33 that in this world, they would have trouble, but to take heart because He has overcome the world.  And Jesus has. He was crucified for us and dead in the grave but overcame death by rising from the grave in 3 days and He did that for.....US!  He knew that the world would bomb us with sins and temptations and trials and TROUBLE!!!  And you know what else, Jesus didn't settle for us.  He went all the way!  He wanted us to live with Him forever in Heaven. We were worth it to Him.  Is He worth it to us to not settle?  Can we fight off the lies we hear or tell ourselves, the sins that entangle us, our worldly lusts, the devil?  Can we do that for Jesus?  Is He worth going through your struggles...even if you feel alone or too weak to battle?

We really must question if we really believe in a Heaven and a Hell.  One full of so much goodness vast beyond our imagination and the other full of pain and agony beyond bearing!  Do you shake it off?  Do you settle for putting it out of your mind, keeping busy with your life, chasing the next big dream or step in your life, doing what your culture says is "the way to success" but you forget why you are really here?!!  YOU ARE NOT HERE TO SETTLE!!!!  Please don't settle or exchange your salvation for a nicer paying job when glory awaits you in Heaven! Please don't settle for a marriage when God has already told you that you are His bride. Don't settle for just loving your own family when God has so many children that need to be shown His love.  Please don't settle for gaining the best health when God will wipe away your pain and tears forever.  Please don't settle for earthly accomplishments as they can't compare to spiritual goals!  Please don't settle for fame, when you can get to know the most incredible and famous person who is eager to hear your voice!  Please don't settle for quick fixes, when God maybe would rather give you a longer re route to fall deeper in love with Him!  Don't settle for fun right now, when you can have eternity with Jesus.  Though none of those things are bad, they can become why we live.  Basically, Don't get wrapped up in settling or straining for something that will not matter in the end!!  Please Please, don't settle!   

What's tiring you out as a believer in Christ?  What's holding you back from falling deeper in love with Jesus?  

I think I know.  

You've settled.  That's what's holding you back.

You don't read God's word because you don't have time or you are too tired at the end of your day. You don't pray because you don't believe He will answer you the way you'd like.  You don't share your love of Jesus with others because you are afraid of how they will take it.  You simply go with the flow because it is easier to settle than to battle!!  

My heart is heavy and I know many who have settled and this is a dangerous place to be because you are closer to satan than to God at this point.  I have been here too.  More times than I would like to admit, but God is telling me to get back into the fight and battle! 

Don't settle, Sandy, because there is something better ahead for you! I do want what's best for you and in time, you will see just how much I love you and that it was all worth the fight.  Don't settle!

So please, I only type this as I felt my heart burst tonight at the thought and realization of how much I let myself settle and how much this world is settling.  I'm settling!! You are settling for earthly things!!! We need to keep battling for Jesus because satan is winning when we settle and we can't have that. We are called to be little Jesus's and Jesus himself took the time to pray and talk to so many.  He wasn't wrapped up in His earthly job nor the traditions of the culture, He wasn't concerned about who he would marry how many kids they should have,, getting a high paying job, insurance and retirement funds, fancy houses, politics, paid vacations, or how many awesome things He could do so others would like Him or check it off His bucket list....No, He was about His Father's business and that was to save us from our sin and provide a home with Him forever in Heaven with Him if we only believe in Him. He was concerned with what mattered. 

We need to not settle for what the world says is good.  We need to be like Jesus concerned with what the Father (God) wants of us.  Not what society thinks or pressures you to do, but what God desires and God desires that we all come to know Him as our Savior and King.  Because one day, every knee will bow and mouth will confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 14:11) and we will be thankful that we never settled for something less.  

Maybe you don't realize you've even settled?  Ask yourself what is important to you?  What do you spend your time doing?  Who do you share your deepest concerns with and you do you trust with your life? 

Is it Jesus or is it something/one else?

May God grant us courage and wisdom to overcome the world.  Ask God to renew your passion for Him today because He desires you and would love to spend more time with you!