Monday, November 29, 2021


I suppose many of you use the adjective "different" when you describe me to someone.  Haha!  Being "different" if often thought of as a lonely position like an outcast or misfit.  However, that is exactly what God calls us to be a believers!  Different, set apart from the world and ablaze with a deeper love of Jesus!  We are suppose to be so different so peculiar so distinct that the world takes notice!  Problem is we don't always seem very different from the world....perhaps one reason is we can compare ourselves to others instead of Jesus.  Other Christians aren't doing it....Or other Christians are doing it!  Self gets in the way alot.  Our reputation matters to us even when we say it doesn't.  Those dead lines you are working on right have to get them done otherwise your responsible reputation will be shattered.  The leadership position you are in causes people to rush you for answers...and you want to be loved so perhaps you give in sooner than you'd like.  Reputation didn't much matter to Jesus did it?  The political and religious leaders hated Jesus.  Still Jesus kept at His ministry and went through with the cross...really thankful reputation didn't matter to Jesus.  Reputation shouldn't matter to us either UNLESS we are trying to represent Jesus!  Here's where it can get sticky too.  Sometimes people have different representations of Jesus and we actually represent Him in the wrong way.  I have to admit that I have failed to represent Jesus in ways I should have or perhaps I shouldn't have.  So I have to go back to the Bible and search the life of Jesus, pray for guidance and ask for forgiveness and then try again.  Thankfully Jesus knows our motives and heart!  Wow I'm so grateful for that even though that can also be scary to me!  Mostly relieves me right now!  

I don't like to be different. In fact I'd rather blend in or not be noticed but God's word says you will be noticed when you live for Me!  Daniel braved the Kings decree and prayed to God anyway and others took notice.  The disciples were accused of turning the world upside down when they preached the gospel!  Hebrews 11 lists many "different" Jesus following believers and says the world was not worthy of them!  

This is the warning God has put on my heart.  Are we so use to what the world thinks is a Christian that when true Christians take a stand or get a little excited for Jesus we think of them as unloving or way too radical or just too different?   We are suppose to be different!  Get use to it!  I can't help but notice how often the Bible presents believers as different doing unbelievable things because the believers were so full of God's spirit in their lives!  Like casting out demons!  Or healing the sick raising the dead!  Not dying when a venomous snake bites you!!  How much time are we spending in God's word in prayer etc.  Are we spending more time with the world than with God?  Honestly, different should be a sign of a true believer.  How different are you and I from the world?  Or do we love and agree with the world?  Are we set apart?  God having us do anything strange lately or have we got so much of the world in us that we can't see a difference? 

I'm encouraging myself first... but why is it strange to want to spend extra time with God?  Perhaps you look different if you set aside a weekend to getaway with God? John the Baptist was a wilderness wonderer very different dude but God used him to ready others for Jesus.  Perhaps you seem different because you want to have more prayer meetings or start home schooling your kids or tell others about Jesus or speak up against evil in our schools or run for a political office?  Perhaps you seem different because you won't eat for a day because your heart hurts about all the evil going on in the world or you'll sacrifice something in order to put God first.  

Perhaps God is calling you to do something different and if you're like me you're like that's crazy!  That's different, God!  No!  What are people gonna say about me?  My reputation will be shattered! Generally, I try to put off and not do those things but God calls us to a life full of different especially when the world is so dark.  Are we more concerned about what the world thinks of us or what God thinks of us? 

Dear God, help us to be set apart from this world!  Help us to get use to different and turn from our passivity!  Help us to fully jump into your Holy calling not looking to others but to You.  Flood us with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

When you get a group together to pray on top the church roof as you watch God paint a beautiful sunset! Different is not always bad!  Thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ living different set apart holy lives for Jesus.  You encourage me so much!