Wednesday, September 17, 2014

OVERWHELMED by YOU....Brag Time!

A popular song I heard on the radio...but so true!  I'm overwhelmed with how delightful Jesus is and how much He loves me!  I'm completely overwhelmed!  He died for me and I'm trying to live for HIM and I was so overwhelmed with what He had done through little me...and I never thought I could add up to so much in anyone's eyes!

I've never been beautiful, popular, rich, or smart, but that does not stop His Love from overwhelming me!  I have so little to offer....even my strength for living day to day comes from Him.  Many thought since I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis, I'd look for a not so hard job with some sort of health insurance and discontinue my horse training (do safer things)....this is when God's overwhelming love invaded my negative thoughts and I PRAISE HIM FOR EVERYTHING I'VE ACCOMPLISHED!!!  I AM NOTHING AND HE CHOSE ME!  LOOK WHAT HE HAS DONE WITH SO LITTLE!  I AM AN OVER COMER BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE!

If you have RA or any arthritis, you know that strength is not taken for granted!

 Wrists are the weakest, but I can get them to crack that whip!

I did not choose this life.  If I could choose...I would have beauty, strength, fame and fortune, no health problems to hold me back--in other words I'd have the perfect life...but haha that hasn't happened.  Thankfully, Jesus chose this life for me and I would not be "cool" without His healing power, strength and His LOVE assures me that He will never forget about the weak, the untalented, and unloved!  He uses all of us if we will let Him! Oh, am I bragging?  Good!  I want you to know that God will use YOU no matter where you are in life. If you belittle yourself you are belittling the One who made you to do wonderful things!  Keep Living for HIM!  We are not here for long so give a little love back to the Man who loved you so much that He died for you!