Saturday, September 7, 2019

How do you experience God?

Have you ever wanted to experience God more in your life?  You read about others experiences or see them for yourself and get a bit jealous...Why aren't you experiencing God?  How can we experience God?

I've been saving a book, "Encountering Our Wild God," written by possibly my most favorite author, Kim Meeder, for a time in my life where I feel spiritually slumped or needing encouragement. I've gathered in just a few short pages that God is not looking for "spiritual tourists" as the author states.  As Kim states, "God not only wants us to know Him, but He desires for us to want to experience Him."

So I asked myself this question:  How have I experienced God?  I know that God loves me....but how have I actually experienced His love in my life?  It surprised me but I have actually experienced His love many times and one happy way that I can encounter God is through working with horses or with a bad encounter, living with Rheumatoid Disease.

So if you're wondering or needing an example of this God gave me one the other day to help with whether I am just knowing God or actually experiencing God.

I work with horses. It's my job.  I feed them clean up after them and know them.  However since there are many horses at work to work with I don't always get to experience what they have to offer because we really haven't developed a strong relationship through training or truly experiencing each other.  In contrast, my two horses Missy and Kitty, are at the experiencing level.  We know each other so well.  I know what makes them spook.  I know what calms them down.  I know each of their personalities (which are many) and I know when I can trust them and when I shouldn't.  If I didn't know them this well, I wouldn't be able to experience them on a whole new amazing level.  I wouldn't be able to experience how they respond to riding on mountain edges or swimming in a creek, or crawling underneath them, doing back flips or head stands on them or discovering new exciting tricks that they want to show me.  If you are only knowing God, you are missing out on the deeper relationship of experiencing God!  If I know a person, but don't try to build on my relationship by hanging out or talking and experiencing that person hands on than I won't ever really be experiencing all that that person has to offer!  I know their name, but I don't know them.  Jesus doesn't just want us to know His name, but to experience Him in a day to day relationship where we see Him in our daily lives!  Feel His love in our hearts till it over runs!  Have joy in the midst of struggles and pain.  Comfort when we feel alone.

God has so much more to offer us than just us knowing Him.  He wants us to experience Him.  I must admit, the times I experience God are the best days of my life.  I'm not sure where this book will lead, but for starters, I'm asking God to help me experience Him more fully. 

So pray for ways to experience God so that you are able to see His amazingness!!  Maybe God is trying to love you through a letter from a friend, a compliment, a sunny day, a new job, a loss, exciting news, a problem, etc.  Remember God is not just experienced in the good times, but also the very worst.  Learn to look with your heart.  Keep knowing God, but delve into experiencing Him!