Tuesday, August 31, 2021

30 Day Challenge

As our nation fast approaches disaster on every level and yet more mask mandates with power seeking and self not God seeking Governor's and vaccination papers please or you're fired, as natural disasters rise as evil erupts and what was considered wrong is now praised...Are you getting any more desperate for God? Are you asking God to rend the Heavens? Are you spending more time with Him? When you're standing before Him on Judgement Day will He know you? He wont be checking off all your good deeds.  He will be checking on if we have a relationship with Him. Do we know Jesus?

Chances are if you know Jesus, He has His own ideas for using your good deeds, talents mistakes, weaknesses everything! We just have to let Him take control by letting Him take the reins.  Horse trainers are usually hired for 30 or 60 days of training a horse consistently so I'm a little green broke (green means I pray but I could do lots better! Green broke in horse terms means they are use to the saddle but they haven't had alot of riding) when it comes to day to day consistency so a 30 day challenge seems kinda hard but I also know I can trust God to do something great because when I sacrifice something like time God blesses me in some way even if it's a tiny blessing. 

I'm not always desperate or excited or feel like I have enough time to spend quality time with God but when I make time to be alone with God or at least think about God that's when God can draw me closer to Him and our relationship grows deeper.  I told a friend that Gods love language is quality time.  God wants your time way more than your good deeds! I can say that with confidence because scripture backs me up on this! 

In order to get better at spending more time with God can be simple. Pray on your drive into or home from work....just dont close your eyes!  Maybe you have a regular boring house chore or outside chore you can talk to God while doing. Maybe it's on a horse back ride? 🐴😆 Or walk or run? Just think of one more time during your day you can include God! 

But what do you say when you pray? My prayer life has grown in the last few years and prayer is alot easier and enjoyable but I admit I still dont know how or what to pray at times! Many times I'm just burdened and overwhelmed by something or maybe in pain or exhausted or am only able to find a few words. Let me remind you that there is no wrong way to pray when you love God.

And you can always pray scripture which leads me to the challenge. Pray a prayer in scripture for 30 days in a row and see how God works! Btw you can start tomorrow! 30 days in September!!

Isaiah chapter 64 is my 30 day prayer challenge. What's yours?  Let's not be green broke when it comes to talking with God! Lets be so broke that we are able to hear the slightest whisper and smallest touch on our heart by our God. 

Even though I love talking to God on a mountain, we can talk to Him anywhere anytime because of Jesus.  Thank you Jesus for this wonderful gift!