Thursday, November 6, 2014

Show Love. Just a bit of time can change a life!!!!!

Last year, I made a "new years resolution" to love more.  It's been going pretty good too!  But...I've been looking forward to the end of my commitment because love is hard for us humans to comprehend how far and how deep we must go sometimes to show it.

In fact, that's why I wanted to quit this's too hard!  I was in countdown when Jesus started working on my heart about that...He said...Why do you want to quit? and I said well look here I've been doing pretty good and went through my list of love and how far I've gone and how I just can't wait to be done!  It's just too hard loving some people who just don't want your love, or loving those that disappoint you, hurt you or disagree with or you fill it it!  Then Jesus said to me..."I still love you.  You hurt me.  You don't always agree with me.  You disappoint me.  You refuse my love at times....but I LOVE YOU anyway and I suffered for you and died for you to prove that I REALLY do love you!   Ya sure..I know all that stuff, but I'm Not you!!!  I can't love like that it's too hard...No body loves like you anymore........  "That's why I want you to continue to love more, but don't just love how you think it should be... I want you to love like me and I need you to start right now!"  It took me awhile to say ok, but I have and it is amazing how Jesus keeps reassuring me that He will help me love even when I'm suffering with my humanisticness and don't want to!  Anyways, He really challenged me to Love like Him and I'm excited to do that!

It is hard to love when things seem to be falling apart around you and your heart wonders why.  Many times, we as humans want to fix things right away when all God is requiring of us it to wait and love. Not yell at the person for being stubborn and crazy and refusing to love or not doing what we think is Christian stuff...just be there to love them.  

I, personally, believe that God calls us to love a certain amount of people the way He loves us.  He makes it our duty to love them like He would so that they can see the way Jesus loves them through us.  I have a list of people that God has given to me to love. If I refuse to love them like Jesus, I'm not really doing my job and possibly that will cost them their pathway to Jesus and it will cost me my job.  Jesus will find someone else to do His work.  But I want Him to use me and give me more people to love so with His help I'm gonna make it!

Sometimes He'll test our love commitment for them by seeing if we can still love them when they hurt us, refuse us, disagree, and even hate us.  I must say I've failed in that the past if it gets hard...I like to get out...but that's not what God wants of me anymore.  He encouraged me that the past is in the past and I have the opportunity to love the people that are already around me! :)  He says: "Get in there and love like me! Keep loving them as I have kept loving you.  This is your calling. This is why I made you!" 

I hope this inspires you to love like Jesus even when it hurts!  Whatever your situation you don't have to feel useless or be able to fix it..."Just" Love like Jesus!