Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kitty Update...what do you think?

If you are one of my blog followers you are probably wondering how my poor little horsey is doing....My buckskin mare had a leg injury about 5 months ago and I took her into the vet to get an x-ray which showed no broken bones, but she is still swollen.  I took these pics the day after her accident: as you can see she is pretty swollen.....I realize pics are not as good as in person and up close....

Then I took some pictures about a week ago and this is about what her leg looks like these days...give or take.....The top leg is her injured leg--it is still swollen around her ankle area and slightly above-this is before we ride.  Her swelling usually goes down after the ride.....

This pic is taken after the ride-still swollen around ankle, but top part of leg looks great!

This pic is also after the ride-at this angle looks almost perfect!

I'm beginning to think this is as good as her leg will ever get, but I'm not giving up my HOPE!  She is very rideable and acts totally normal--just with a bigger leg---:'( I've put Kitty in God's hands because I know He knows what is best for her--but it is hard to let go of something you love.  I know this happened for a reason and even though I have no idea why it happened--I am much happier since letting Jesus worry about it---not that I don't ever stress out about it--I just feel better knowing that God is still taking care of His Kitty.  So...what do you think?  I'll probably ask my vet about her when he comes with the dental team for teeth floating, but hoping Kitty will get to do the things she loves to do best (riding) for another 15 years!!!  :)

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