Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ups and Downs

Horse training can certainly have its ups and downs.  In fact, John Lyons (America's most trusted horseman) stated that you have to ride a horse everyday of the month in order to get those 2 perfect riding days.  That's so true!  But horses have bad days and horses have good days and sometimes that have really, really good days.  Today was a good day.  I rode Missy on my usual winter route which is around 4 miles of rural roads.  She was a bit spooky at first but settled right in like usual.  I love when people slow down for us on the roads--too many people think that horses are like motorcycles and the rider can control them. You wouldn't believe what kind of things have happened to me and my horses that include fast vehicles.  If ya see a horse-slow down people!  Anyway, I met a nice driver today.  He pulled over to admire Missy and to have a chat. I always thank people that go slow and we had a nice little country talk.  I LOVE sensible, considerate people like that!  Also saw a opossum while riding-yuck!  Those things are ugly!  When I got back from the ride I decided to review our trick list...then I decided to try something new with Missy.  I asked her to bow with a rider on her (with help of a rope) and stay there till I asked her to get up....SUCCESS!!!  I was so excited I wanted to shout "look what Missy just did!"  There was no one around so hopefully it was entertainment for "unseen angels"....if not, I'm pretty sure God smiled!  Then I took Kitty out to review her tricks because I could tell she was getting jealous...oh, goodness!!  Kitty is a HAM!!  She smiles at EVERYBODY now!  She LOVES to be HAPPY!!!!  : )  She is a showoff for me, but she is part arab (we think) and Arabians are bred for showoff!  She did all of her tricks well too.  Can't wait till it stays warm so I can try to teach the tougher tricks like maybe lay down????  We'll see-I still have to get some equipment for that-I should probably order that stuff soon.....I'm running out of winter tricks to teach my horses-maybe I'll try grab a hanky again...I would do yes or no, but the way that they have you train those tricks my horses just are not sensitive to it because I desensitize them.  A poke in the chest just doesn't give me a reaction.  Actually, I'm content to just work on what I already have them learning...I have such a fun time with them!

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