Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is in the air

NO!  I'm not getting married or anything so don't faint or anything....but since it's Valentines Day I can't help but think of LOVE!  And guess what?  I feel loved!  Even if I am still single I have 2 wonderful parents who happened to give me some candy for v-day and 2 wonderful brothers and of course, my wonderful sister!  Then just as a side, God decided to give me my two beautiful horses!  But maybe you are feeling blue today and feeling like no one loves you...well I can help you with that!  John 3:16 states: "For God so loved the World that He gave His ONLY begotten son, that whosoever believable in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!"  Wow!  Can anyone top this gift?  I can't even fathom that kind of love! We tend to say it with flowers, words, or chocolate--and not that I don't LOVE chocolate!  Oh..guys..heard on the radio that most girls prefer chocolate to roses....I'd be one of them!  haha!  But God sent His ONLY son to die a painful death for us not because we were something special or deserved it--nope---He just did it because He loved us!  What love! 

Below is Kitty with some flowers she wanted to give me....but since I didn't have a place to keep 'em I let her keep 'em!  She enjoyed them!  :)

Flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere!

RED-y to ride!  

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