Monday, February 18, 2013

I think I can...I think I can...I Know I can

I remember my mother reading me those words from a book called the little engine that could or something along those lines.  He never gave up---he knew he could pull the weight of the heavy cargo even though he was a little train....he just had to reach those children!  It reminds me of a very short church song we call "Only Believe."  If we only believe (in God), all things are possible.  I've had a couple big days right in a row and I'm tired.....and it's only monday!  Life can be so's easy to not believe that God knows best or what's good for you.  It is times like these I need Him the most.  I need His strength to uphold me through every second of the day lest I fall into a weary restless slumber.  It's not all bad because these are the times I draw closer to Him because I HAVE too--I KNOW I can't do it!  Trust me, having RA puts me in positions where I have to trust that God will give me the strength to make it through and "press on towards the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus...."  Mondays are especially a drag as these are the nights I have to give myself a shot which always makes me sick to my stomach and not sure how I get through it other than I know that God is helping me.

I had a busy monday, but managed to be able to take Kitty along with Monica and Colty to the indoor arena  at work.  The horses were really feeling it today!  They were very happy to be ridden!  I worked with Kitty on her bow again too-she still needs her "crutch rope" and I'm not sure how to get her to go bow down with out it, but she sure is cute!  I practiced getting on her while she was bowing and that is actually really hard to do!  lol!  She was good for it...then I practiced asking her to bow with a rider on her.  She did well again with the crutch aid.  Guess it's time for bed now...I'm falling asleep over this post...haha..wish I could skip the shot tonight--that should wake me up!!

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