Friday, February 3, 2012

What a Lovely Week!!!

I'm just about as happy as they come! I have ridden 5 out of 6 times this week or 3 times with each one of my horses. It feels so good to get in some longer, more strenuous rides-I think my horses were up for it too! : ) I may have some of the dirtiest horses, but I pride myself on keeping them in great shape! The warm weather has been great, but the mud keeps me very busy. I wish it would just dry up! Not likely though..rain tonight! Boy, weird winter. Warm weather, but muddy, muddy, muddy....ok, can you tell mud frustrates me? I don't want to sound like a complainer, BUT enough is enough!

I know this may sound corny and downright weird, but I've had a wart on my thumb for a really long time. I don't want to take the time and money to get rid of it so I'm resorting to goofy "fixtures." Supposedly, if you wrap duct tape around the wart-your wart will get smaller? So, I'm trying it....yep, I type to you now with my hand duct taped.....I'll see if the saying is really know the one..."Duct tape fixes everything." I admit, I'm skeptical and I'm not even sure how long to go with it. I felt goofy at work, walking around with a hand with duct tape...I tried hiding it as much as possible....Knobloch's are probably wondering why my hand is duct taped and I'll be giving them a goofy answer....Anyone out there have any other ideas for removing warts?

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