Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Rain.....Priceless Mothers.....

Phewy...yes, more rain is coming down. This is one of the wettest winter's. However, it did hold off long enough for me to take Missy on a nice ride. It's almost 8:30 pm and it's finally getting quiet around here. I like it! I've got supper made, done, eaten, and washed the dishes so now I'm ready for bed! Well, pretty much.....: ) Actually, MOMS are very appreciated. I can not say enough about how GREAT Mom's are! They are capable of anything and they are extremely talented! When I have to act like "Mom" I mess up quite a bit. For example, tonight I tried a "Mom" thing. I made supper while doing the dishes.....unfortunately for me my water boiled over, the timer went off and my hands were wet and doing dishes! Needless to say, I wasn't sure which one to pay attention to first, but I decided I should probably get my hands out of the soapy water to stop the annoying timer and then I paid attention to the overflowing pan of boiling all lasted about 15 seconds and everything went pretty smoothly, but I got to hand it to Mom's-they are special and APPRECIATED!!!!! I think I should like to remain single....that way I'm not changing a diaper in the midst of all the other chaotic motherhoodness....yep, sounds good to me! : )

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