Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pedestal Fun!

Well, the pedestal finally arrived!!! Monica and I have been anxiously waiting after it was delayed due to it actually broke! We got it from a trick trainer in FL. It is very nice! It is heavy, but stays in place even when the horses are on the tips of it which is nice when they are just leaning. I worked Kitty from the ground the first day and by the second day she walked right onto the pedestal with me on her back! What a super fast learner! She had me very pleased!

This week has been great-lots of riding! In fact, I've ridden Kitty 4 straight days in a row!!!!!! Wow, and it's not even summer! Horse fair is coming up this weekend and Rebecca and I are planning on going-can't wait-there is usually way to much to do!!!

Missy likes to wave to everyone on top of her cool spot!

I think Missy likes the feeling of being on top of the world-she hates to get off!

By the second lesson, Kitty was going onto the pedestal with me aboard!

Awww....Kitty was looking for her treat! : )

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Busy Country Girl

First of all, sorry for not posting anything in a long time-if this is even being read.....: ) I've been just way to busy, but lots of exciting things have been happening. However, I will be looking forward to my weekend off (this weekend!!). I told God that I needed a break, but the last time I told him that I actually did get a break-a back brake from jumping off a very wild horse! So, I told God that I DID NOT NEED A BREAK!!!! Then I preceded to do LOADS of work, just to prove it to Him, but bedtime was early....: ) I just didn't want to give God anymore ideas that I was complaining......

I've also been waiting and waiting for my pedestal, ebay stuff, horse supplies, and horse fair tickets to arrive, but to no avail....I must be more patient. Actually, they had to send me another pedestal because it somehow broke the first time during transportation?!! I guess this was the first one ever that was broke on the way to the buyers home. Great! I'm honored..(rolls eyes)......right! If all goes well I should have a pedestal by next week!!!!

I've been getting riding time in so I've been quite content. I think Dustin (my brother) and I are planning on going to church tonight and then going out afterwards to Starbucks. I like to treat my brother occasionally because he is a GREAT help with hay! I'm going to miss him when he can't help anymore....:(

Yup, even Dustin has fun horseback riding occasionally!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Rain.....Priceless Mothers.....

Phewy...yes, more rain is coming down. This is one of the wettest winter's. However, it did hold off long enough for me to take Missy on a nice ride. It's almost 8:30 pm and it's finally getting quiet around here. I like it! I've got supper made, done, eaten, and washed the dishes so now I'm ready for bed! Well, pretty much.....: ) Actually, MOMS are very appreciated. I can not say enough about how GREAT Mom's are! They are capable of anything and they are extremely talented! When I have to act like "Mom" I mess up quite a bit. For example, tonight I tried a "Mom" thing. I made supper while doing the dishes.....unfortunately for me my water boiled over, the timer went off and my hands were wet and doing dishes! Needless to say, I wasn't sure which one to pay attention to first, but I decided I should probably get my hands out of the soapy water to stop the annoying timer and then I paid attention to the overflowing pan of boiling water...it all lasted about 15 seconds and everything went pretty smoothly, but I got to hand it to Mom's-they are special and APPRECIATED!!!!! I think I should like to remain single....that way I'm not changing a diaper in the midst of all the other chaotic motherhoodness....yep, sounds good to me! : )

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Day!

I had to go into work to trim a draft today so I decided to take my two horses along with me so I could ride afterwords. I'm certainly tired now, but what fun I had! "It was horse stuff, duh you had fun, Sandy!" You say. You know me....what can I say? You're good, pal!

Missy had an overall good day of riding. Her attitude was bad at the start, but once she realized I wasn't going to give up-she decided she would listen.....she's only 4 so she'll get better with time. She did really well on her 360 and 180 pivoting today. We're also working on getting her to tuck her head in when she backs up and to back up longer instead of just a couple steps. This will help me with trail class, pleasure and pattern classes, and also with her reining training when I start her on her sliding stops. She tucked her head nicely and was backing 7 to 10 steps with very light pressure applied with the reins. : ) I was pleased! What a good kid!

Hehe! I can't remember if this pic was of last summer or the summer before, but I love it!! I've got two of my favorite pals with me-yep, one is Missy and the one with two legs making a weird face-that's Kelsey Klopfenstein. I'm the other clown with two legs....; )

The above pic is one of Missy's first trail rides at Jubilee. I'm holding my very wet boots because she wouldn't cross the creeks unless I got off and went first! At least she crossed them right? She LOVES water now!! She actually learned how to cross creeks quite well. In fact, I didn't have to get off one of those times! : )

The pic below is a very pretty Kitty captured on a mini sand dune at Big Valley Campground in Iowa. Isn't she pretty and cute? She's cool!

Wish I had video taped my horses workouts today. Kitty is the best horse in the whole world! She (GET THIS YOU GUYS!!) had a 4 to 5 foot reining slide/stop! I could NOT believe it-we usually do 1 to 3 foot slides often, but this, THIS WAS SWEET!!! Ok, so I'm really happy about it.....: ) ;) : ) See?!!! : ) hehe! She is a really smart horse and if we had a place to work with at home she's probably be a champion reiner, trick horse, barrel, trail, pleasure, patterns, etc. Her list is way to long...oh, I don't mean to brag, but God did a good job with this horse and HE is letting me ride and own her!

Certainly is a cold one today-I had to bring out the long johns again today-the wind just goes right through you! So the indoor arena is a big blessing!!! Thank you so much, Alan and Mary Ann Knobloch, for letting me use it! I LOVE it! Great training place!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting things done

A cowgirl's life can be very busy sometimes--most of the time--Especially when you are owner, worker, trainer, and trimmer rolled into one. I trimmed my riding horses and now all that's left to do is our little mini, Chica. I haven't done her in awhile, but her feet grow slow and the mud is horrible to clean off-maybe we'll have a dry spell? Yes, did I tell you? I took a hoof trimming class and it has been a huge help! In fact, I love it! I guess I like making hooves pretty......

Friday, February 3, 2012

What a Lovely Week!!!

I'm just about as happy as they come! I have ridden 5 out of 6 times this week or 3 times with each one of my horses. It feels so good to get in some longer, more strenuous rides-I think my horses were up for it too! : ) I may have some of the dirtiest horses, but I pride myself on keeping them in great shape! The warm weather has been great, but the mud keeps me very busy. I wish it would just dry up! Not likely though..rain tonight! Boy, weird winter. Warm weather, but muddy, muddy, muddy....ok, can you tell mud frustrates me? I don't want to sound like a complainer, BUT enough is enough!

I know this may sound corny and downright weird, but I've had a wart on my thumb for a really long time. I don't want to take the time and money to get rid of it so I'm resorting to goofy "fixtures." Supposedly, if you wrap duct tape around the wart-your wart will get smaller? So, I'm trying it....yep, I type to you now with my hand duct taped.....I'll see if the saying is really true...you know the one..."Duct tape fixes everything." I admit, I'm skeptical and I'm not even sure how long to go with it. I felt goofy at work, walking around with a hand with duct tape...I tried hiding it as much as possible....Knobloch's are probably wondering why my hand is duct taped and I'll be giving them a goofy answer....Anyone out there have any other ideas for removing warts?