Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow's Here!!!

Well, we finally got some measurable snow-4 inches to be exact. It was perfect for riding! was yesterday-not so windy and cold. It was beautiful! The windy conditions of the snow storm made our road drift and DRIFT! We were told by our road commissioner to NOT go out towards the South because it drifts over to fast. The next day (after work), I decided to go South to get home to check out the road conditions, plus it looked like the plow had been through....Yes, the road was plowed, but only space enough for one car or a car and a motorcycle---but who meets those in the winter anyways? Well, now I'm stuck-I can't get over and neither can he since the snow is as high as our trucks. Thankfully their was a driveway near this predicament and he backed up to it to let me through.....we were both laughing--I mean what are the odds we were gonna meet in that spot at the exact same time! Well, thanks, Mister for understanding! I love my country folk!


  1. That's hilarious Sandy! Yeah, even if the odds are 1 in 1000 it's just got to happen, doesn't it!? It's also cool that you were able to go riding in the snow. I remember when we did that last year when it was super freezing, and it was still awesome!

  2. I know! Timing is everything! Yep! That was fun! A little cold, but super fun!
