Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Hate Spending Money.......

I'm on a spending spree-oh brother! So I really have money for this? Yes, I can give you one guess as to what for....yep, my horses. Seriously, if I didn't have horses, I would be rich! Well, maybe not...... Isn't there a saying that goes "waste not, want not." This tends to be true for money, food, clothes, etc. Well, today I'm changing the saying to "want it, waste it (money)." It's just one of those days.....

Meanwhile, my horses are getting really dirty-not that I mind that it hasn't been as cold, it's just so time consuming to brush and brush and brush and brush and THEN ride. I decided I would take my horses to the work arena tomorrow. Today is too cold for me and I would have to rush as I'm short for time-they need l o n g rides....The main reason for going to the arena, though, is that my horses are very hyper! I don't understand this! They get ridden at least twice a week! Why, be so bratty and crazy! Yes, sometimes I do feel I don't have the best horses in the world......Oh well, everyone has off days...sides winter weather and sloppy mud makes me cranky too! Now you know why every Big Time trainer in the world has headquarters in Texas, Florida, California--you know--WARM all year around places.

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