Friday, January 20, 2012

Do I have pretty horses or do I have pretty horses?

Just see for yourself........

Well what do you think?......I may be prejudice......but they ARE talented, beautiful, and SMART!


Pretty loping pic-don't you just dig that horse's color? : )

Looks like I could be out looking for cows.....


  1. I LOVE this, Sandy! I did NOT know that you had a blog, and it's great! You are good at writing...the humor and the wording you use keep me interested and enjoying the reading!! I'm excited to follow it :)

  2. Sandy, this set of pics was really cool! You look like the professional you are, but we can also still see how you like to have fun.:) Oh yeah, and to answer the question... you DO have pretty horses!

  3. Kenj-Yeah, I'm glad you like it! Thanks for reading! : )

    Rebecca-Thanks for your very nice compliments! I'm smiling! See! : ) :) : ) ;)
