Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Now, I'm not the type who makes New Year's Resolutions. I guess I just figure there's too many ways I need to change, things I should do, and stuff I need to quit. For example, I need to quit worrying about things-even if they are maijnor (that's minor and major put together)problems. It's out of my control! Snap out of it! I guess Sunday's teachings really reminded me of this....Funny how things work-I'm saying I need to quit worrying while I'm already worrying about tonight. Every Monday night I have to give my self a drug shot for my arthritis. It makes my stomach feel weird and the smell of alcohol is enough to drive me crazy. However, I am thankful that the shot is WORKING!!! Who knows I may even get to like giving myself a shot!

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