Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Does God pick favorites?

There are sometimes no answers to questions and there are sometimes no words for feelings....but let's save this for another day....(see upcoming Unspeakable Joy)

The other day, I was up to my ears in decisions and pressing matters and I couldn't help but laugh...yes laugh....normally, that is not my reaction....But I'm learning to give it all to Jesus and trust Him.  I can't save myself. I am powerless.  (Job 40) God asks Job who are you to question my ways? Can you save yourself?  Can you speak out of thunder?

So, I thought, here you go....here's another one for you God! Are you sick of taking so much from me yet?  It's not natural for me to want to let go of something I think I can hold.  But, I'm learning this gives me freedom! God's got this...even the slightest little thing that's bringing you down...It's no problem for God!

WARNING!!  Don't by any means think that I have this down...I'm such a messy, messy person (the more I study the Bible the more messy I feel...but the more loved too!!) and the only reason I can tolerate myself is knowing that Jesus loves me and WANTS to hear from me!  I'm very hard on myself, but God is trying to free me of myself to do His work fully and joyfully...yes even when it's not so fun and full of pain!  God is constantly on the move in our lives.  I just don't always have the eyes to see that until after the fact....Peter, a guy who if God wanted to show favoritism to by all means Peter probably deserved a little more attention from God than well....me! I mean Peter was persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, soul saving, etc!! But listen to what Peter says, (Acts 10:34-35) Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.  

Peter, a man of God, whom God spoke through and used a ton says God picks no favorites.  Peter finally realizes this TRUTH!!!  God loves you as much as He does me or Peter or the thief on the cross...This is just hard for us to grasp since we tend to pick favorites...favorite dinner, car, person, item, family, place, etc.

And if that's not bad enough we tend to lift our favorites up...Did you hear about this family who is serving Jesus? They are just so on fire!  Jesus is just really using them...He just loves them so much! That family is a picture perfect example of following Jesus....that singing group.....that preacher.....that missionary......there are many etc.  You've heard em...so have I....but let's be careful! We are putting favoritism upon that person, that family, group, etc and soon other Christians can think they are not good enough...not part of the church enough....not talented enough.....not loved by God enough, etc.....They can end up saying, "God must only love people who are really on fire for Him....great, I'm worthless to Him..He must not love me as much as them."...WAIT HOLD ON FOR ONE MINUTE!!!  YOU ARE LOVED BY JESUS!!!  GOD SHOWS NO FAVORITISM!!  GOD IS JUST SO JUST!!!!   

btw, It's good to be good examples to others for Christ....I have people in my life who are great examples to me of following Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength....I think Paul states somewhere that if you don't believe my words than believe my actions and seek to do them and grow in Christ....It's wonderful to have godly examples to follow....to really see someone on fire for Jesus!

Now before you ask me is there anything wrong about lifting those up who are following Jesus?  No, there is nothing wrong with that...chances are they need that encouragement...Satan is at constant work to those who are on fire for Jesus.  What I'm trying to get across is that if we don't lift up even "the least of these Christians" you are going to put out more fire than smokey the bear!  I know....my fires been burnt out a few times.....Praise God that He has provided fire starters in my life!  God, Himself, is actively stoking my flame, providing more wood, and more heat.....Do we have to all be Peters and Pauls?  Nope!  Even the smallest light can shine bright in the dark!  It's ok to be a little light!  Do what God calls you to do....don't let others sway you, don't let Big Lights blind you and make sure you ask God where He wants you because that is the BEST SPOT THAT YOU WILL SHINE THE BRIGHTEST!!!

JESUS LOVES YOU!!!  LOVE EVERYONE!!  It really comes down to love alot doesn't it?

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