Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Are you balanced?

The other day, I was horseback riding (surprise! ;) ) bareback and thinking that I hadn't ridden bareback for awhile and wondering if my balance would be off....I have a very springy horse that takes more balance to ride bareback but it is so good for leg muscles and riding balance so I do it!

Riding everyday helps to keep your riding skills necessary for balance, training, and knowledge of the horse.  I'm told if you want to ride your whole life you need to ride your whole life!  Balance is so important in riding! If your horse spooks, trips, jumps, bucks, rears, bolts, etc. how well your balance is will determine whether you stay up or fall off.

While riding, thoughts began....Wonder how balanced I am spiritually?  What does it take to be spiritually balanced?  Am I a balanced Christian or am I ready to fall off next trial?

If I stopped riding horses for a month, my balance would be off next ride...bad? maybe not. but perhaps not as confident and surely not as smooth.  The less I ride, the less balance I would get.

If I stopped reading God's word and praying to God, my spiritual life would be unbalanced. I get a funny picture of a beginner on horse-back who gets on bareback with no instructions and asks the horse for a trot.....and splat they are on the ground tasting dirt in a matter of seconds.  I find it to be the same way with my spiritual balance.....If I'm not reading God's word and talking with Him, I'm liable to fall on my face and eat Satan's dirt next trial I face!

Keep your spiritual life balanced so Satan can't throw you off!

Above: Riding with my cousin Rachel at High Knob in Shawnee
Below:  Keep your balance even when life is going upside down!  Kitty tolerating me for a "headstand."

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