Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yes, I'm a PROUD horse owner!

And yes, I don't think I have the best horses in the world, I KNOW I have the BEST horses in the world!  Show season is over now for me and I am happy to report it was a very successful year!  I went to 12 shows total this year.  I think I took Kitty to 8 or 9 of the 12 and Missy to 4 or 5 of the 12.  I go to a show in Pekin called Pekin Riding Club (PRC) because it is an affordable fun show so it has alot of cool, fun classes to ride.  I consider this a fun thing to do with my horses and also gives me an idea of what I need to work on in my horse's training.  Kitty is my easy button show horse as she is pretty good at every class.  I train her for many different events because number 1-she loves learning. 2  she's athletic. 3  She's a Sandy horse-my horses are trained a little bit of everything!  Kitty did really well and placed in the top 10 in both arenas (speed and pleasure) this year at PRC!  I thought this was an impossible feat for one horse to do so well in both arenas, but I guess it's possible!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!  Great Job Kitty!

Missy had a great year showing too and even though it was only half as long as Kitty's she still placed 12th overall in the pleasure arena-WOW! couldn't believe that!!!!! and 24th in the speed arena!!!!  I couldn't be happier!!!  My Dad thinks she's gonna be a good backup horse!  Fact is, I don't like having any horse set as my back up horse--I just chose to show Kitty more probably because she is better at speed, but like my Dad said, she's coming right along!

Trick horse show season is now over for me as well.  I thought I could maybe do a show in Sept. or October, but time flies when your family is planning a wedding....yep, my sister's-NOT mine! : )  That's ok.  My horses did so good at His Ranch this year and performing for my family that I think we can call this years  trick horse performances a success!

However, trail riding season is still in existence for awhile longer!!!  : )

And of course night riding isn't out of the question when is gets dark so early....Missy and I below at our house-a cool pic from last year!  : )

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