Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kitty's Injured-Please pray for fast 100% recovery!

At PRC, the last horse show of the year is started with a costume class.  This year, I was going to dress up as a Knight on my fancy stepping horse, Kitty and que her to rear!  I even got to borrow my High School crusader outfit and I had even practiced with Kitty to ensure she would be ok with all the thrills....however, it was just not meant to be as Kitty got hurt the day before our show.  Poor Kitty had blood and oozey stuff still coming off her leg cut and she was swollen on that leg and then her other leg was swollen from her hock down to her ankle about twice the size her normal size!  Oh, NO!!  Of course, I'm feeling discouraged and sad-not because I'm gonna miss out on an award or the costume class, but because my horse is HURT!!!  Ever since Monica had her experience with her beloved Danika, I'm always really concerned when I see swollen legs on my horses!  Needless to say, I'm not getting very much sleep and my appetite isn't all the way back up to par, but since Kitty is walking on it-I feel that that is a good sign.  I will be calling my vet again if the swelling doesn't come down in the next couple days.

Anyway, I ended up taking Missy to the horse show and I can say I mostly had a good time, but knowing that you have a hurt horse at home made me feel like part if my heart was breaking.  However, some really kind people at PRC asked about my buckskin, Kitty, and this gave me encouragement!  It's nice to know someone else cares too!  Hopefully, I'll have my Kitty girl back soon!  I miss her!

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