Friday, October 19, 2012

God Answers Prayers!

I know some days feel like they drag on and on and other days seem like they fly by quicker than the speed of light!  This is kinda how God answers our prayers.  He always answers our prayers, but may not do it right away....or even worse....sometimes God answers our prayers in a way that makes no sense to us!  I've had "un-answered prayers or prayers that I still pray without seeing any answer in sight!  I've also had the kind of prayers that are answered in a split second-literally within minutes or just a few hours!  Of course, I LOVE having those kind of prayers, but if God always gave us what we needed when we needed it, we would get to the point of what I call "spoiled Christians."   Prayer is not just for asking to get stuff from God, but prayer is more our way of talking with God like you would to a dear friend.  If you want to get to know someone, the first step is communication!  Prayer is our communication to God!  Yes, it's ok to ask for what you want, for protection, college or homework assignments, the perfect job, your future spouse, yes, even petty things like getting over the common cold!   I've also learned that God still answers our prayers even when we haven't been up to par praying about a certain issue/request.  For example:  I had been praying about getting a tall black horse for quite some time. In fact, before I bought my second horse, Missy, I wanted/was praying for a BLACK horse!  Missy, as you know, is not black, but I LOVE her anyway.  Point is, I've had Missy for about 3 and 1/2 years!  I've had Kitty for almost 11!  Meaning I'd prayed for a black horse a long time and just didn't ever find one that God wanted me to have!  That's a long time to pray for something.....Please don't think that I'm unhappy with my beautiful horses, Kitty and Missy-that is far from what I'm trying to get across-I'd never sell those two-they were chosen by God for me and anyone who has eyes or reads this blog knows that!  :) I'm just saying that is wasn't God's will for me to have a black horse in my life.....yet!  I say yet! because I'm excited!  I was very content with the idea of not having a black horse....I'd rather have a boring sorrel that God picked out for me than to have a stunning black horse that my worldly lust took upon itself to indulge in.  I was watch you call "good with whatever!"  In other words, I was ok with God telling me to wait or telling me that I'd never be getting a black horse.  In fact, I let it totally out of my mind!  However, I have a week off of work coming to me this November and for some reason God put a place that has stunning black foals for sale in IL in my mind this week. I couldn't figure out why He was doing this since I was like um God, I don't think this is the time for buying or even looking at another horse in my life-my sister is getting married, one of my own horse's is injured, and I'm a full-time working girl, AND it's becoming winter out!  Not my timing AT ALL!!  But maybe it's GOD'S timing!?  Maybe I'll just see if I can go over there and look at their horses-just to see if I like them...It was just a thought.  I say this because I met a lady in the feed store today-haha funny thing was I wasn't even gonna go to the feed store, but I guess God wanted me to go because I went!  We somehow got to the topic of horses-not hard in a feed store ;)-and she said she had a cute foal who had placed VERY well at a warmblood keuring (which is a show that scores horses on their movements and confirmation and chooses the best).  When she mentioned warmblood stallion I immediately thought of Indian Artbeat!  (a Huge Black stallion whose offspring I'd been interested in for awhile)  I asked her what stud she used and she said.......yes Indian Artbeat!  Wow...weird!  Diane (the lady from the feed store) then asked if I wanted to come out and see her Indian Artbeat foal and her other horses.  Of course, I couldn't resist such a kind offer so I went home, ate lunch and headed over there-camera in hand!  When I got there, Diane was riding one of her reining horses so she had to show me some moves-which didn't bother me!  : )  I love reiners!  Then she gave me a tour of their beautiful farm!  She showed me her Indian Artbeat foal, yearling, and 2 year old and I was very impressed with their confirmation and temperament!   I told her I was interested in fillies-she only had geldings and they weren't black anyway-they were bay.  She even TOLD me that I should go visit the Indian Artbeat farm!  (How's that for God's timing?)  Here God had Made me go to the feed store, talk to Diane, and visit her farm so that He could use her to first, show me Indian Artbeat foals, and second, to point me in the direction of the Indian Artbeat farm!  Idk, you could say it's coincidence, but I think it was God working here.  We'll see.....maybe it's time and maybe it never will be, but I think God did enough to me today to get my wheels spinning with seeing about a visit to the Black Stallion's farm!   Guess we'll see what develops-maybe nothing at all, but I just love how God works in my life regardless!  Even if I never get a black horse!

The first little guy is only 4 months old and he's huge! 

The dark bay below is a yearling and he is a hair over 16 hands already!
They think he may be as tall as his sire which is TALL  17. 2!
They were both so friendly it was hard to get a picture! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kitty's Injured-Please pray for fast 100% recovery!

At PRC, the last horse show of the year is started with a costume class.  This year, I was going to dress up as a Knight on my fancy stepping horse, Kitty and que her to rear!  I even got to borrow my High School crusader outfit and I had even practiced with Kitty to ensure she would be ok with all the thrills....however, it was just not meant to be as Kitty got hurt the day before our show.  Poor Kitty had blood and oozey stuff still coming off her leg cut and she was swollen on that leg and then her other leg was swollen from her hock down to her ankle about twice the size her normal size!  Oh, NO!!  Of course, I'm feeling discouraged and sad-not because I'm gonna miss out on an award or the costume class, but because my horse is HURT!!!  Ever since Monica had her experience with her beloved Danika, I'm always really concerned when I see swollen legs on my horses!  Needless to say, I'm not getting very much sleep and my appetite isn't all the way back up to par, but since Kitty is walking on it-I feel that that is a good sign.  I will be calling my vet again if the swelling doesn't come down in the next couple days.

Anyway, I ended up taking Missy to the horse show and I can say I mostly had a good time, but knowing that you have a hurt horse at home made me feel like part if my heart was breaking.  However, some really kind people at PRC asked about my buckskin, Kitty, and this gave me encouragement!  It's nice to know someone else cares too!  Hopefully, I'll have my Kitty girl back soon!  I miss her!

Yes, I'm a PROUD horse owner!

And yes, I don't think I have the best horses in the world, I KNOW I have the BEST horses in the world!  Show season is over now for me and I am happy to report it was a very successful year!  I went to 12 shows total this year.  I think I took Kitty to 8 or 9 of the 12 and Missy to 4 or 5 of the 12.  I go to a show in Pekin called Pekin Riding Club (PRC) because it is an affordable fun show so it has alot of cool, fun classes to ride.  I consider this a fun thing to do with my horses and also gives me an idea of what I need to work on in my horse's training.  Kitty is my easy button show horse as she is pretty good at every class.  I train her for many different events because number 1-she loves learning. 2  she's athletic. 3  She's a Sandy horse-my horses are trained a little bit of everything!  Kitty did really well and placed in the top 10 in both arenas (speed and pleasure) this year at PRC!  I thought this was an impossible feat for one horse to do so well in both arenas, but I guess it's possible!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!  Great Job Kitty!

Missy had a great year showing too and even though it was only half as long as Kitty's she still placed 12th overall in the pleasure arena-WOW! couldn't believe that!!!!! and 24th in the speed arena!!!!  I couldn't be happier!!!  My Dad thinks she's gonna be a good backup horse!  Fact is, I don't like having any horse set as my back up horse--I just chose to show Kitty more probably because she is better at speed, but like my Dad said, she's coming right along!

Trick horse show season is now over for me as well.  I thought I could maybe do a show in Sept. or October, but time flies when your family is planning a wedding....yep, my sister's-NOT mine! : )  That's ok.  My horses did so good at His Ranch this year and performing for my family that I think we can call this years  trick horse performances a success!

However, trail riding season is still in existence for awhile longer!!!  : )

And of course night riding isn't out of the question when is gets dark so early....Missy and I below at our house-a cool pic from last year!  : )

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Camping Fun!!

Horse camping has got to be one of the best things you can do with a horse!  Dad, Mom, Ted and I went to Jubilee State Park with Chica and Kitty Sat. and Sun of Columbus day weekend.  It was a cccold weekend, but we had our battery run heater in our camper to help warm us up so we could all get a restful night.  What fun we had!  Not only do we get to have delicious food, but we get to ride, ride, ride!  We met alot of nice campers last weekend so that made it even more fun!  Everyone seems to comment on how cute little Chica is too!  Kitty got a nice compliment too.  The horses behaved really well for it being hunting season and it being cold and breezy.  Lows were low 30s so yes, we are talking cold weather here! Oh! Forgot to mention that Ted and I also rode Monday!  I was too cold to tent camp so we went home to get sleep and I brought Missy out to ride!

Love this running picture!  Ted is doing better with taking pictures!  At first I was just happy if he didn't cut my head off, but now he is trying his best to get the whole horse and the whole Sandy!  : )

Below is a spot that is rarely ridden-most people don't realize they can still do this trail, but look how pretty it is!  Trail is located and starts at camp on day camp side.  Try it! I dare ya! : )