Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Which category are you?

Have you ever played the comparing yourself with others game? It's not fun.  But if you're like me you play it sometimes.  Perhaps it's because we can't help it....you see someone else's life and you think that's it that's what I need!....if I could just get that or be like them in this area then I'd have it much much easier.  Comparing ourselves to others brings about 2 main categories. 1. We compare ourselves with others who have more stuff (fancier cars, nice homes, expensive hobbies) or better relationships or better health or better jobs or more money or just plain smarter than us!  We tend to judge based off of those things forgetting that these people actually do have problems we just may not see those problems because we are focused on what they have and blind to what they are missing. We also tend to compare ourselves with too high and unattainable people which makes us feel like we have not accomplished much or belittles us.  We then become discontent and bitter instead of being thankful for what we have. We are blind to how blessed we really are.  We have health wealth family and friends but that's not good enough.  We are always looking for more.

2. You can also go completely opposite and compare yourself to the worst person you can possibly imagine which generates a hopeless feeling and a why try attitude.  You tend to think of yourself as a victim because no matter how hard you try you are always sitting in the sewage of life.  Your circumstances control you and though you've tried your best it just seems like you'll never amount to anything.  Your health isn't great, your wealth...what's wealth? you don't think anyone really likes you so relationships are hard, your talents (if you still think you have one besides being a winner at a losing game) just are not paying off so what good are you to anyone?.....what's the point of going on when everything is against you? 

I guess we actually have the 3 categories.  3. You no longer care to strive for anything good so your life continues to spiral downward.  Perhaps you now do drugs or excessive alcohol or self harm in various ways. You are either in bad relationships or you can't do relationships anymore. You can't even take care of yourself!  Your kids don't even know you and your significant other has left you for someone else and the bills are piling up but you can't keep a job. You hate everything about your life and yourself but you are unwilling to change anything.  You end up begging and living in the streets or worse in jail or even worse you die. You had no good impact on anyone and since you failed to be a good friend spouse or parent you have also failed your kids. You provided no good example to them and they will unfortunately follow in your footsteps.  Have you been here? If I'm honest, I've experienced this one in ways too. 

These are all messy places to be at and we all tend to fall into one of these categories. Maybe even bits and pieces of all 3 categories.  But there is hope. For the first category, (I can see me in this category) if you are always looking for more and better things that's not a bad thing but you can become excessive about it.  If you can't enjoy what you have you are missing so so much! "The more you own the more it owns you." What will you do with what you have?  If you always need more to be grateful than you will never be happy. The only One who can provide lasting happiness is God. Get to know Him and chase after Him not all this other stuff.  Stuff fades.  However if you share your stuff, you can be an amazing huge encouragement for others who are not as well off as you. This is an amazing gift and I am so thankful that God does bless others so they can in turn bless others.  It's a beautiful thing.  This category can also have a heavy self dependence instead of depending on God.  So when hard times come their faith can be easily shaken because they haven't really needed God until now.  So even if you think you have everything, you still need God.  

Oh man category 2 is where I tend to find myself at times...This person tries but it's always an uphill battle. Life is one trial after another. They are tired of trying and trying and worn out. What could they offer anyone?  The cool thing about this category is that you can offer much. You know what it's like to be faced with difficulty and trials.  You can help someone persevere through theirs.  See you can be an amazing witness for God even with all your uncertainties! You realize you absolutely need God so you put your trust in Him and not in your health your wealth your stuff and your smarts.  These trials will bring about a growing relationship with Jesus and if you are a believer isn't that what we desire? A closer relationship with God. But be very careful because if you do not see this as a chance to trust God you will likely abandon God and that puts you into the 3rd category.  

The good news about the 3rd category is that you are never too far gone.  Just because your parents weren't good examples and just because you are an addict does not mean that's how you have to end up.  You can choose to get out of the rut you are in and start following God.  Find a godly friend a Bible believing church find a facility that can keep you accountable.  It really comes down to you. Do you want to change your life for the better then pursue God and His ways.  Yes it's a rough journey but it also holds true and lasting happiness.  

This world puts a lot of pressure on us all.  This life is hard.  There is a Heaven and a Hell. There is a battle for your soul.  You are either God's or the Devils.  There is no middle ground. You will live forever either with God or separated from God.  So that's why we can't give up on pursuing God. He is our only hope. 

You may not have wealth health wisdom or talents...you may think God can't use you anymore or that you are too lost to be found or too old to change.  But that's not true. Don't listen to the enemies lies.  You are loved by God. Continue to follow God even when it hurts even when you don't see any changes and even when you're tired of trying because then you will be putting your trust in God into action and we know that faith pleases God.  "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."

God's Hall of Faith is found in Hebrews 11.  

Oh and if you do play the game, compare yourself with Jesus.  You will find that His love is incomparable to anyone else's and that He will forgive you and help you in whatever rough journey you are going through right now. 

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