Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Running Away

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us...

Have you ever wanted to quit?  Ever considered yourself a runner?  Living in a go-git er done world, it's hard not to run a race everyday...running here and there....Is there a purpose to it?  So I questioned myself...Where am I going in this race?  Why am I straining so hard but feeling like I'm on the treadmill--just running and going nowhere?  

What really got me was this answer.  Those still small quiet answers that get shoved under the mat because we don't want to embrace the truth of it.

If you're not running to God, you're running away from Him.

I should end it right here because honestly it's pretty convicting to me.  How many times a day do I run to God?  Not near enough.  Maybe I even skip a day...

"Throw off everything that hinders"  What's getting in the way of you running to God?  A lack of time....confidence in yourself.....good/bad health....a distrust of God....your kids....your job....your spouse.....your problems.....your favorite tv show....  Lots of things can hinder our running and not all of them are bad things as long as they are not consuming our running.....if they do you are not running you are "treadmilling" and headed no where.

"And the sin that so easily entangles"  So maybe you're running hard.  Maybe you're running so hard that the cold breeze of past and present sins are sending teardrops to your eyes and causing you to be blinded and unable to see where you are running.  Running this fast and distracted you find yourself entangled in another sin (a future sin you could have avoided if you weren't running distracted) which entangles your legs and you trip causing you to fall flat on your face.  Yes, the Bible says it's easy to get tangled up! I've been here lots too....the hurt you feel is crippling to your race as you get up wondering how you can run with a face you can't feel anymore and eyes that can't see past your streaming tears.  

"Run with perseverance"  It's really really easy to quit here isn't it.   Honestly, I've quit before... You're running to God, but you can't see Him and then "this" happens.....the only thing you can see right now is your bloody, teary-eyed face.  Perseverance has the word severe (at least it almost does) in it.  This race we run will be severe at times and we will have to persevere!  Maybe this means we run with a limp or we take a step and fall again and again, but you'll still be running if you are persevering.  ;) also the Bible doesn't say run with loveliness, blissfulness and perfectness it's perseverance...we should not take this race lightly...it will require lots of perseverance!

HEBREWS 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

I get really excited for this part!  You get up and fix your eyes on Jesus.  You can't see him but...Picture Him enduring the cross, dying for us enduring our shame and rising up from the dead to prove that death can not keep us in the grave if we fix our eyes on Jesus and keep running to Him!  He is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith that means while you're running He's turning you into the runner He intends you to be to make the most of the race He has given you to run!  He want to be your personal pioneer or head coach!  He wants to be the One that explores/owns your heart and settles your fears and helps you overcome race obstacles!

We need to consider Jesus when our bloody, teary-eyed, broken heart and body is ready to quit the race.  Remember what He did for you so you don't lose heart/quit.  

Heard this in a song the other day talking about God..."It must be hard to be everywhere in the world and not be seen by anyone."  

I've got to start noticing and "seeing" God....I've got to get off the treadmill and get back in the race running to God.....running for God!  

If I'm not running to God, I'm running away from Him and I don't want to Ever be away from Him! 

Dear Jesus, pioneer me to Heaven!
Open plains are all around me
With dangers I can and can not see
Dear Jesus, keep me on the path to Heaven
So I can live forever with you in Eternity. 

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