Sunday, April 3, 2022

Are you peppy for Jesus?

I'll never forget what a dear elderly lady in church said to me one Sunday..."You're so peppy!" Peppy is kinda an old word so I'll help give you some meanings: high spirited, enthusiastic, lively, full of energy, active, alert

Of course I loved her compliment...I can certainly be peppy. What happens when your peppy gets pooped? The devil doesnt like peppy believers at he will try to tire them out in whatever way possible to create pooped worn out of all peppyness believers.

Here's the thing about peppy believers the devil cant stand....their perseverance! It falls under their spiritedness. My buckskin is very peppy and high spirited. Try telling her something she doesnt want to do....see how far you get with her. But then be amazed at how much and how far she will go for you just because she loves you and wants to please you. It's not that we lost our connection when she doesnt cooperate it's just that she thinks she can handle the situation better than you can. I suppose you could call that just plain stubborn! But even then stubborn peppy believers are tough to break away their connection with God and the devil knows that.

This type is often laid out flat on the ground but while laid out they are trying their best to trip up the devil. If we have to be down we may as well be tripping the devil ok?

This type not only wants to tell you about Jesus but wants you to experience Jesus for yourself so like my enthusiastic horse who is not content with just showing you one small trick but 10 other bigger and tougher tricks she knows! So we, as peppy believers, are not content to tell you just one thing about Jesus but everything we know about Him!! Everything! Sit down....get comfy...that may take a couple days!

Peppy believers can mess up and hurt others and have days where we want to give up but thank goodness God provides and revives our pep when we're pooped.

If you're pooped, Ask God to get you excited about living for Him again.

If you're peppy, Ask God who needs to get excited about You?


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