Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Letter to JESUS

Dear Jesus,

I wonder if you get alot of letters from your children this time of year....I've actually felt a bit blue this Christmas, but I'm wondering if you do too?  Boys and girls writing to Santa not knowing that you are the only one who can satisfy our deepest desires, Moms and Dads not reaching for the Bible to read about how you were sent and born for us, and others rushing around with a full list, but closed and empty hearts....Do you need someone to cheer you up this Christmas?

I wanted to write to you this letter and tell you Happy Birthday, Jesus!  I'm confident you look great! ;) As they say, you are not bound by time in Heaven! ....Heaven is something I think about lots, Jesus.  How's my mansion coming along?  Does it have the horse barn connected to it yet?  Actually, I don't need anything fancy as you know....I just want to know that you'll come get me when it's time because I still want that hug and to ride those heavenly horses.

Speaking about horses, Jesus, I've told and retold you about mine.  She doesn't deserve to be in pain...if not for me, could you heal her for her?  She's a good horse as you know, and not one to boast. She takes care of me and teaches me things that you need me to hear so could you do a little miracle? That's something on my Christmas list this year.

Thanks again for coming to this world and saving me and everyone else. I'll admit I'm probably more naughty than nice, but I'm forever thankful you saved my life. You always help me to do right even though it's quite hard at times to put up with me I'm sure!

You are my closest and dearest friend, Jesus.  I love you so much!  I thought it was so amazing and fun when you let me and my dear cousin go to South Dakota this year and ride my own horses (even Kitty was great) in your beautiful creation.  I felt you so near, I did not want to leave.  You did amazing things on this trip! You provided everything we needed with many helpful friends--why we even joined in on a birthday party! I'll never forget this trip we took with you, Jesus, and I hope you will allow even more trips this nice.

My stocking of blessings this year is full.  I'm thankful for my family and friends and others who you have provided to help me this year...For my job, my health (even if its up and down), my truck.  I may not have alot as some do.....but my biggest blessing is definitely YOU!

There's this little worthless tree this year full of problems and trials hanging on one side and the other.  Filled clear full from top to bottom..sometimes I just don't know where to put or do with them all?  Sometimes I think my little tree with fall. I try to clean it best I can, but seems like I just get sticky with sap or pricked by needles.  It's surprising my tree still stands, but I think that's because I got the tree stand from you Jesus and it holds it tight! Thank you for that.  Help me not to focus on my sad looking little tree, help me to look up to see that you are the star at the top of my tree.  Shining there for me to see!  I know my tree doesn't have many presents under it nor is it decorated in glorious ornaments....I'm glad/relieved that you still love and shine on this little tree.........because the little tree I'm describing is me.

In closing, take pity on the world this year.  It's so hard to be down here. Add to my list courage and faith because that is something I'm lacking. Help me not to miss what you need done from me and forgive me when I fall flat on my face!  I'm sorry to have an icy heart sometimes so thanks for fixing my icy heart and melting it so many times.

All my love to you I send, Jesus!  Merry Christmas!  Thanks for all you've done for me this year! Appreciate all your help! Never let me go!
Lots of Love,

P.S.  I'm sure I left out many things so we'll talk again real soon!!!!

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