Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is your life CrAzY?

Mine is!!!  Yours too?  I bet it is!  Sometimes we get wrapped into thinking that others lives are less crazy than ours and we must be dealt a poor hand while others are holding onto the "good" life!  I recently heard a minister say that there are always those people in our lives that seem to have it altogether and then those that just can't seem to get anything to fit right....And another I've heard is some people can walk down the street singing and dancing with perfect rhythm while others can't even walk and chew gum at the same time!  (Trust me on that it's true...I've totally choked on my gum...I was throwing hay bales off a loft) I think it was more from the spit going down the wrong pipe, but you catch my drift....

Here's a tidbit from my crazy life.  Last Monday after driving home from work and in a tired stage I was travelling round the driveway like I normally do and have done for the last upteen years, but instead of missing the horse trailer (like I normally do) I bumped into it!  GRR! I was so upset with my mistake and I felt pretty stupid....I damaged the side light on the trailer and my truck has a scratch line that will forever remind me of my "graceful" moment.  As I was reviewing the damages I sliced my finger on the broken plastic light which led to dripping blood over the kitchen floor....Then by the end of the week my insurance company sends me a license renewal saying that since my driving record is so amazingly perfect, I can renew my license online!!!  Sometimes you just have to laugh at how life works...seems to me I wasn't ready to laugh quite yet at the time!

Then there's those moments in life where your bank statement comes and your balances don't match....or the wind blows so hard it blows the cover off your truck and you find yourself in a war with the wind to secure it...yup another bloody hand....

Then there's my sweet horse who's been acting strangely for over a week now....She tosses her head up and down as I ride and lip smacks on occasion which is absolutely Not normal for her!  She's eating good, but I still think it's weird....especially when last Saturday, I get her out to ride and she's less than thrilled with the idea...she wouldn't even budge without head tossing!  I got off of her and took her to the roundpen where she just stood their looking at me as if trying to tell me in the only way she knew how that she didn't feel her usual self.  She indeed wasn't.  I really had to work at getting her to move around so I stopped and let her stand and she just came up to me and put her head in my face so I stood their rubbing her head and trying to tell her that I knew she wasn't up to par today....Kitty and I go way back together so it's easy for each of us to tell if the other isn't feeling right, I gave her a treat since she still insisted on doing tricks and she chewed it in an interesting way...could be teeth problems....?

It was time to look for a horse dentist!  So blessed to have horse friends who are willing to give advice, I received lots of help when I found out my dentists weren't going to be in the area till May!

My vet told me of a good one (he knows me and my horses well) so next week hopefully we'll have Kitty feeling better!  While on the phone I mentioned to him that I didn't want just any old farm vet working on my horse!  oops!  mistake again.  I called him right back to apologize as I say some things without thinking...see truth is he is a farm vet.....but he is also the best farm vet and one of the only guys I trust working on my horses, which I told him!  I just love him, but I wanted to be sure he knew I wanted a reputable dentist too. I really make mistakes lots during just one day!  And there is always, ALWAYS! stuff happening here to make me wonder...IS MY LIFE THE ONLY CRAZY LIFE?  AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO MAKES MISTAKES EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HER LIFE???!!!!!  How is one to get ahead in life if they are always behind?

Honestly, I tend to lose my senses a bit more when one of my horse's get's sick, injured or acts abnormal or a family member is having trouble....I'll also admit that I talk too much without thinking. Which is why it's almost better to write so you can see it first or to just close the big mouth and open the listening ear.

A line from Anne of Green Gables keeps tracking through my mind.."Tomorrow is a day with no mistakes in it" least not yet.  Why do I remember that line?  It points me to a Bible verse that I love!!!

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21-23 

God forgets and forgives our mistakes every day!!  Yes, at the end of the day, during the day, and even the night, I have to ask His forgiveness, but His love for me never fails and nor does His mercy and forgiveness and this is why we can wake up with JOY in the morning because we have HOPE!

This is how to get ahead in life;  Seek JOY.  How?  List off all the blessings in your life....what are you thankful for?  Admit your mistakes.  The Bible says to confess our faults to one another..James goes on to say to pray for each other....that's partly why we confess...we need others to pray for us as life is hard and you will make mistakes.  "The truth will set you free"  Admitting your mistakes frees you of Satan's power over you. Then it's much easier to soak in God's forgiveness and love. Keep Hope Alive.  Chances are if your hope is dead than so is your faith and love...yes and your joy.  Hope is hard.  While watching/hearing the news you lose hope...another rape, another murder, another shooting, another bad political's true the world is full of hopelessness!  The world and our individual problems make it easy to lose hope.  It's a challenge, but we can't lose hope!  I'll admit that during the winter months, it's very easy for me to lose cold, windy, dreary, and nothing really exciting..rather, fun happens till spring!  But I press on because I have hope that spring is coming with better weather, fun stuff, and more riding time!!

So even if I end up poor and make many mistakes the rest of my life, I can have HOPE because Jesus's love NEVER FAILS!!  I can go on because a better life awaits me in Heaven!  "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through!"  Sure I'd rather pass through this world as comfortable as possible with all my needs and wants taken care of!.... but then I wouldn't be learning just how much Jesus loves me and wants me to trust Him.....and then maybe I wouldn't have any faith, love or joy in Jesus because I wouldn't need Him.   Mistakes bring us closer to Jesus! Without them we may think we can do it ourselves (I'm guilty)....Mistakes show us how weak we are and just how much we need Jesus.....I need Him so much!

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