Monday, May 13, 2013

Cuz When You're A Celebrity.......

It seems like if you have a horse period.....people think that you are cool.....or rich.....---yeah right and haha--in my case!  However, a whole new meaning to the word "cool" seems to be in order when we ride past people's houses or going through our small town, Edelstein.  On one occasion, (pictures below) Ted and I were stopped by a very friendly lady who took a picture of us riding past the train tracks--I thought it was just about the sweetest thing that one could do and the picture that she gave us is sticking proudly on our wall!  So many other stories I could share, but it's kinda nice being treated like a celebrity.....get a horse and ride through town or your neighborhood is a good way to make lots of friends!  :)


  1. Nice pics. :) That was sweet of the lady. Of course people think you're cool when you have a horse! If you saw someone with a horse wouldn't you think they were cool?

    1. Yup! I was just to shy to talk.....:) Horse people were AMAZING back then--I really thought highly of them! Still do!
