Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Stop and Cuddle with God

My horse, Kitty, is very good at teaching me many things.  She's started this odd sorta behavior at feeding time at night.  During night feedings we give our horses oats with supplements if needed. Now Kitty turns her nose up at everything new so she gets no supplements right now.  When I did give her supplements she would chase every one of our other horses away to see if their oats were normal and not supplemented..it was a hard battle....I've stopped giving her supplements for over a year now since it was so hard to get them down and she didn't seem to need them nor did I have time to stand guard over her every night to make sure she ate them and the other horses weren't being chased away from their oats!  I had gotten use to being able to leave her and not worry that she wouldn't eat hers or theirs.

Recently, she's developed a new habit.  She doesn't want to eat her oats unless I stand with her.  If I don't stop and cuddle with her and spend the time with her she chases the other horses or eats their oats when hers are perfectly normal!  Now this takes an extra 10 to 15 minutes of standing in the cold, wind, mud, dark, etc. and my life is busy enough I'd rather be spending that time doing the other necessary farm chores in order to get in the house sooner....

I thought, This is silly, horse!  I'm rushed for time and you are acting like I don't spend enough time with you!  I'm flattered but isn't the nightly hug and kiss good enough?

Then God reminded me that sometimes I think that I'm spending enough time with Him with just a quick prayer and maybe a short verse to get me through the day.  When what I really need is to Stop and cuddle with Him, spend some quiet solo time with Him even when my list of things to do is longer than my time or even if I don't want to take the time and do it because my life is too crazy, etc! Because like Kitty, God wants to spend that time with me so much and He will do anything for that time with me!

Sometimes God just wants to hold us.  At a certain point, He doesn't always want to answer your questions or discipline us.....He just wants to be with us!!  To hold us in His loving arms to say nothing but over flood us with His powerful LOVE!  But how can He possibly do this when we are running here and there, worried with this or that, depressed or stressed and not stopping to pause for a 10 to 15 minute cuddle time with God.  If a little horse likes to be cuddled and loved on, God must ADORE AND CRAVE CUDDLE TIME WITH US HIS MOST TREASURED CREATION!!!  How do I know we are his most treasured?  Because He died on the cross for us...ALL of us!!!! Why?  Because He wants us to live with Him forever!  Draw me to you, God, so I can be cuddled because when I know I'm loved by you, my heart is bursting with joy and happiness!