Sunday, August 30, 2015

I am weak, but He is strong!

Emotions....I can go from smooth sailing to train wreck in a matter of 3 seconds!  While I consider that a skill, my family does not so I must work on this.  Emotions are a great thing and can really be used for lots of good.  A simple hug can go a long ways to comfort someone who's hurting.....however on the versus side an angry word or words can really pierce the heart.  I know my life isn't easy and there's decisions that I have to make in life that I'd rather not have to make, but is that your fault?  Absolutely not.  Why am I yelling at you then?  I usually find myself taking out life's hurts on the people I love the most....generally my family.  I'm usually just looking for support or encouragement or someone to tell me you'll be fine...I've got your back!  God's got you covered....He still has a plan for you.

That doesn't always work though as no one can really put their feet into your shoes or comfort your heart in what it needs at that moment.  Absolutely no human can do that....not even a best friend or a spouse!  But...God can!  

Unfortunately, I've had my doubts about that too....Do you ever blame God for stuff?  Or say if only you could do this or change this in my life I could do so much better at living for you!  If only you could give me some important job to do that will make me feel like I'm important and I matter to you. If I could just be as important n so look how you've used them and look at all those people who love that person because of what they do for you.  Do you catch yourself doing that?

STOP IT!!!!  That's Satan beating you down.  He likes to do this to us to make us feel worthless, useless, unloved and hopeless.  And when he has got you feeling this way, you are not a threat to him anymore......

I'm confessing to you that I'm an emotional Christian, I can go from an over abundance of love and joy to a wreckage of doubt and hopelessness....I just get super excited when I know God is working through me, but when he wants me to wait, doubts creep in and I wonder if He is still there.  I love to be used by God, but God sometimes just wants us to wait and be patient and work in lives that are already around us.

You can be used in a big way like that if you are only open to it!!!  I still remember an older lady coming up to me and telling me that she was praying for me and my generation as Christians because she said we have way more distractions than her youth did.  That experience has never left me although at the time I kinda just shoved it off as a big deal thing, but now I realize how amazing that moment was and how encouraging it is to know that our older generation is praying for us!  So looky there God can even use "old" people!  What I'm trying to say is that you can never be too old or too young or too skilled or too pathetic to be used by God.  He can use those little moments that we may not ever remember.....but He does and He knows that we were certainly the right believer for the job!
I'm truly sorry for my train wrecks and I hope to increase my faith by becoming more patient and spending more time with God as I've learned He's the only one who really knows me.  But I fail so prayers for that would be great!

Another challenge I'm giving myself is something I heard in a sermon while visiting a nearby church. The visiting minister told us he was talking to a man and he asked the man if he knew the 2 biggest problems in our world today?  The man replied that he doesn't know and he doesn't care!  The minister replied back to him that yes those are the 2 biggest problems in our world today.  We don't realize that Jesus will be coming back and killing all of us who do not believe!  We don't care about having a relationship with Jesus.....we don't care about others....

Dear reader, all I want to say is that I do know that I want to be in Heaven with Jesus.  I do know that He is coming soon!  I care about my relationship with Jesus!  I want to do all for the One who died for me.....

....I care about you and I want you to know that.   I want to see all my friends and family in Heaven and if you need encouragement or prayer, I want to be there for you....I want to pray for you....I want to love you....  All you need to do is ask.  We need each other and we need to care and I'm certain God can help us do that!