Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Why is it that sometimes after a marvelous week do I get a yucky week to follow?  Or find out something really great only to find out something really not great?  I feel so pumped to do something and then whoosh the air comes rushing out so fast I'm blown away into discouragement.  This is when I have to remind myself of "Re-Encouragement."  I have to go back to the reason I was encouraged in the first place.......and if I focus on that I can usually find a bit of Re-Encouragement to keep pressing on.   It's not easy, but I find it necessary if you want to put a real smile on your face.  Yes.  I've needed Re-Encouragement lately...mainly because I do not know what the right thing to do is...or if God really wants that!   

It's funny though how quick we let our encouraging days go by us barely stopping to admire the moment, but when we go through a test or a trial or uncertainty we ponder days and nights until we become just down right miserable!  It can be a pain to accept the encouraging moments because sometimes they are so small and quiet that we can't hear them because of the loud discouragements we encounter.  But they are there.  Tidbits of encouragement in tiny raindrops fall down from someone's kind words or deeds........and this is sometimes where I look to for Re-Encouragement.  Because I love to be JOYFUL!!!  I want to focus on good things and most importantly I want to focus on what God's plan is for me!  Sure I'm a bit "stuck" right now in one particular area, but that shouldn't stop me from doing what I know He wants of me and that alone can sometimes be the best "Re-Encouragement!"  He's not through with me yet!