Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gotta get back to some horse pictures

We had about 7 inches of snow and it was just perfect for riding horses!  The horses are having so much fun playing in it and well....I am too!  :)

Kitty was feeling quite exuberant, but that's pretty normal!!  This picture just describes her to a T!

Monica caught this action shot of her rear!  I really can't take any credit for her perfect rears!  She just does them like this!  Kitty is so very talented! 

Missy and me posing for a pic! 

Why, even Missy had energy enough to look good jumping!! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I just want to be an Angel!

I've been thinking lots lately, and I just wanted to share a poem I made up of some of my thoughts.  Plus, I haven't shared anything recently!  :) It's called, "I just want to be an Angel."

I was sitting on my upstairs bed, 
Reading what the Bible said 
About how to live my life in a different way, 
Like living, loving and serving Jesus everyday.
All the sudden my hope ran thin
As I remember all my sin
And I thought what can I do for Him?

So I bowed my head in prayer, 
And I asked the only one who cares
If He could grant me just one wish to come true, 
I asked, "Lord, could I be an angel for you?"
Because I'm tired of my broken life,
All my pain and all my strife,
Oh, Lord, just grant me this one wish!

If I could just be an Angel for you,
There is nothing I wouldn't want to do!
I'd sing praises out loud just for you
Because my love for you is sincerely true
And I'd go where you'd want me to go,
I'd never tell you no, 
And I'd be who you'd want me to be.

But here I am all alone right here
Wishing I could be up there
I don't know what you plan for me
But Lord, I'm just asking that I could see
Your works through little old me, 
So I can go on being who you want me to be, 
And from this weary world be set free.