Here's my Pretty Kitty-all groomed and ready to ride! Pic taken about 2 weeks ago. Maggie (dog), Monica and Colty in background

Missy as a 3 year old at her first show!!
With this beautiful, DRY!!! weather, I have been on my horses everyday this week! To me, this is kinda like experiencing Heaven on earth! I've been able to trail ride, AND use our yard as an "arena" again....it's so nice.....
This week, Ida Hammer, (natural hoof care trimmer/my teacher) came to trim Colty's (Monica's horse) feet since he needs trimmed a little different cause he has a hoof disease called navicular disease. While she was here, I decided to have her take a look at one of my horses (Missy) as well. Missy had had her heals chopped off when she was young (BAD thing to do) and my previous farrier just wasn't making it easier for her to walk-her feet were always sore-especially on rocks! I took a one-day farrier class from Ida Hammer last year and have been trimming Missy ever since...and guess what!? Missy is SOOOO much better she can even run on rocks! Ida told me I did a good job on her and I did the right thing with her feet-she also gave me a couple other pointers to help her out even more! YES!! This moment was a "highlight moment" in my week! She wants me back to take more classes! haha! : )
Today I worked Kitty on her tricks. She did a huge beautiful rear! She is so majestic! I also tried to get her to bow on one knee while I was aboard without my help....she really wanted to do this for me and got really close a few times so I rewarded her for that. It is REALLY HARD to teach a horse a tough trick like bow without a dry, soft place 24/7. I have no sand arena-I have no dirt arena-I have nowhere, but grass to work in...So, I usually train stuff like this in the Knobloch's arena (did I mention I love their arena?) and I don't go there as often because of gas prices...so what I'm trying to say is Kitty does a very good job at this trick for what little time and inconsistent training I do with her. I can teach them the basics of a trick, but expanding...that's where the arena comes into play...Anyone wanna donate sand and lime? : ) Kitty also did great on the pedestal and was eager, as usual, to push me around tonight and smile (that's one of our new ones). She really is a joy and a blessing to be around/work with and I thank God for letting me own her (and Missy) everyday! : )
I realized I haven't said much about Missy, but she is doing wonderful in her training as well. She LOVES to Spanish walk! She's not super good at walking and marching at the same time, but give her her cue and she is a HUGE marcher! Missy is also learning tidbits of dressage. She can do the diagonal trot pretty well now-I've only been really working on it this week so I'm very proud of her fast progress! I guess I'll have to find something else to work on soon....oh well, bring it on! ; )
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