I had to go into work to trim a draft today so I decided to take my two horses along with me so I could ride afterwords. I'm certainly tired now, but what fun I had! "It was horse stuff, duh you had fun, Sandy!" You say. You know me....what can I say? You're good, pal!
Missy had an overall good day of riding. Her attitude was bad at the start, but once she realized I wasn't going to give up-she decided she would listen.....she's only 4 so she'll get better with time. She did really well on her 360 and 180 pivoting today. We're also working on getting her to tuck her head in when she backs up and to back up longer instead of just a couple steps. This will help me with trail class, pleasure and pattern classes, and also with her reining training when I start her on her sliding stops. She tucked her head nicely and was backing 7 to 10 steps with very light pressure applied with the reins. : ) I was pleased! What a good kid!
Hehe! I can't remember if this pic was of last summer or the summer before, but I love it!! I've got two of my favorite pals with me-yep, one is Missy and the one with two legs making a weird face-that's Kelsey Klopfenstein. I'm the other clown with two legs....; )

The above pic is one of Missy's first trail rides at Jubilee. I'm holding my very wet boots because she wouldn't cross the creeks unless I got off and went first! At least she crossed them right? She LOVES water now!! She actually learned how to cross creeks quite well. In fact, I didn't have to get off one of those times! : )
The pic below is a very pretty Kitty captured on a mini sand dune at Big Valley Campground in Iowa. Isn't she pretty and cute? She's cool!

Wish I had video taped my horses workouts today. Kitty is the best horse in the whole world! She (GET THIS YOU GUYS!!) had a 4 to 5 foot reining slide/stop! I could NOT believe it-we usually do 1 to 3 foot slides often, but this, THIS WAS SWEET!!! Ok, so I'm really happy about it.....: ) ;) : ) See?!!! : ) hehe! She is a really smart horse and if we had a place to work with at home she's probably be a champion reiner, trick horse, barrel, trail, pleasure, patterns, etc. Her list is way to long...oh, I don't mean to brag, but God did a good job with this horse and HE is letting me ride and own her!
Certainly is a cold one today-I had to bring out the long johns again today-the wind just goes right through you! So the indoor arena is a big blessing!!! Thank you so much, Alan and Mary Ann Knobloch, for letting me use it! I LOVE it! Great training place!
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