Have you ever seen one so big?! I was wishing for BIG wishes that day.....I wish I could remember what I wished for......ew, hope I didn't just blow a wish away! : )

Hey! The sign CLEARLY states...........

So back to the above question "this" refers to how long have I been crazy, weird, and just plain goofy? I honestly don't know....uh, a long time? I guess when people start to refer to you as funny, you start to get the picture. Hey, after all, a cheerful heart is good medicine, right? We can't all be smart and beautiful!---Like we heard today in church. God created us all different, but designed us perfectly for our needs and the talents He plans to use us for His glory. So...maybe one of my major talent's a little on the weird side....but I'm using it! : ) What's your talent(s)? Don't waste it!
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