Above is a video I made of one of the horses I trained for 3 months before I took a hard dismount (back injury). I am quite pleased with the progress I made from these once wild horses. Yes, you actually couldn't take their halters off otherwise you couldn't catch them-trust me I tried. : ) I hope they are doing well at their new homes. Sometimes I feel like I lost the battle, but I know I didn't-just look at this progress at just 3 months of training-halter breaking, brushing, farrier work, despooking, etc! I did NOT fail! : ) Praise the Lord I could help these horses along! They really did have love to give......
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Happy Horses = Happy Horsewoman
I took my horses to the arena today and had a very nice workout with both of them. They behaved so nicely and really loved getting out of the pasture. They always get excited when I start hitching the truck up to the trailer. They LOVE going places to ride-usually just fun shows, trail rides, and arena work-so they all associate the trailer as a GOOD thing. They especially seem to want to get out of a muddy drylot so I usually have perked eared horses staring at me longingly at the gate. Pick me! Pick me! If I pick only one, I'm in trouble. : )
I rode both horses last Sat, but Missy was a big brat. Buck, buck, buck! Well, she is only 4 and she's got an attitude! Oh, does she ever! It's certainly has become better, but her personality isn't too personable sometimes......I guess it's a compliment that God gives me the hard horses to work with since He knows I'm patient and ready to handle them with a bit of love everyday. I admit, some days it's hard to love a horse who is being bad....but God could say the same thing about me......I'm not saying this because I'm proud-I just can't believe He's never given up on me, never left me, and He always loves me. This makes me cry and smile at the same time....to have a friend like Jesus.....it's amazing!
Anyway, Missy behaved much much better in the arena today and we even got to work on some of our tougher maneuvers such as the sidepass and 360 degree pivots. Kitty had a great day of riding as well. She is so responsive and has so much heart, but even Kitty has her weekly "moments." Hey, if my horses were perfect and knew everything all the time, we wouldn't have anything to work on and I would get bored of that......
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I Hate Spending Money.......
I'm on a spending spree-oh brother! So I really have money for this? Yes, I can give you one guess as to what for....yep, my horses. Seriously, if I didn't have horses, I would be rich! Well, maybe not...... Isn't there a saying that goes "waste not, want not." This tends to be true for money, food, clothes, etc. Well, today I'm changing the saying to "want it, waste it (money)." It's just one of those days.....
Meanwhile, my horses are getting really dirty-not that I mind that it hasn't been as cold, it's just so time consuming to brush and brush and brush and brush and THEN ride. I decided I would take my horses to the work arena tomorrow. Today is too cold for me and I would have to rush as I'm short for time-they need l o n g rides....The main reason for going to the arena, though, is that my horses are very hyper! I don't understand this! They get ridden at least twice a week! Why, be so bratty and crazy! Yes, sometimes I do feel I don't have the best horses in the world......Oh well, everyone has off days...sides winter weather and sloppy mud makes me cranky too! Now you know why every Big Time trainer in the world has headquarters in Texas, Florida, California--you know--WARM all year around places.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
"So how long have you been like this?"
Have you ever seen one so big?! I was wishing for BIG wishes that day.....I wish I could remember what I wished for......ew, hope I didn't just blow a wish away! : )

Hey! The sign CLEARLY states...........

So back to the above question "this" refers to how long have I been crazy, weird, and just plain goofy? I honestly don't know....uh, a long time? I guess when people start to refer to you as funny, you start to get the picture. Hey, after all, a cheerful heart is good medicine, right? We can't all be smart and beautiful!---Like we heard today in church. God created us all different, but designed us perfectly for our needs and the talents He plans to use us for His glory. So...maybe one of my major talent's a little on the weird side....but I'm using it! : ) What's your talent(s)? Don't waste it!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Do I have pretty horses or do I have pretty horses?
Brr cold!
Below are some pictures of some of my horse buddies from work. Thanks to my cousin, Rebecca, for taking the pictures. The first picture is of their sweet mare, Splendor. She loves getting her wither's scratched and will actually scratch your back to...as a kind gesture! But watch out for those teeth!
The next picture is of a sweet orphan foal, Gabby. She is sooo tall!
Miracle-sold now, but one of my fav's and below is a very cool pic of a 2 year old filly, Dafney. I wasn't sure if we would get along when I first started training her, but, boy, we found what worked and she is another one of my fav's-I have a bunch of fav's I think! : ) I have a video of her too. I'll have to see about posting it.....but just look at her MOVEMENT!!!!

It's snowing here again....I'm not really complaining too much...I mean it is January 21st! So we're only about another month from March! March can be nice! : ) I'm getting use to the cold, but the wind is certainly a problem. Why, sometimes, I can't even tell I'm bundled up with layers or wearing my long johns! The wind just blows straight through! Oh, well...this makes us even more grateful for spring, I guess.
Good news! I've ordered a pedestal from FL and will soon be teaching my horses to climb up there and who knows what else! You can do LOTS with one!!!! Too bad they weren't cheaper, but I felt I got a good deal.....
Sorry for not posting very many pictures. Blogs are soooo much better looking with pictures! I just find it hard to take pictures of myself while riding.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Snow's Here!!!
Well, we finally got some measurable snow-4 inches to be exact. It was perfect for riding! Well....it was yesterday-not so windy and cold. It was beautiful! The windy conditions of the snow storm made our road drift and DRIFT! We were told by our road commissioner to NOT go out towards the South because it drifts over to fast. The next day (after work), I decided to go South to get home to check out the road conditions, plus it looked like the plow had been through....Yes, the road was plowed, but only space enough for one car or a car and a motorcycle---but who meets those in the winter anyways? Well, now I'm stuck-I can't get over and neither can he since the snow is as high as our trucks. Thankfully their was a driveway near this predicament and he backed up to it to let me through.....we were both laughing--I mean what are the odds we were gonna meet in that spot at the exact same time! Well, thanks, Mister for understanding! I love my country folk!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Arena Work
New Year's Resolutions
Now, I'm not the type who makes New Year's Resolutions. I guess I just figure there's too many ways I need to change, things I should do, and stuff I need to quit. For example, I need to quit worrying about things-even if they are maijnor (that's minor and major put together)problems. It's out of my control! Snap out of it! I guess Sunday's teachings really reminded me of this....Funny how things work-I'm saying I need to quit worrying while I'm already worrying about tonight. Every Monday night I have to give my self a drug shot for my arthritis. It makes my stomach feel weird and the smell of alcohol is enough to drive me crazy. However, I am thankful that the shot is WORKING!!! Who knows I may even get to like giving myself a shot!
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