Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Healing Part of PAIN

 PAIN......I know it forwards, backwords, upside down, and inside out.  It's likely you've experienced it as well.  Most of us have gone through some kind of pain.  We will try anything to ease pain or to get rid of it completely.  Why does God allow so much pain to certain people and only a pinch to others?  Why do we even have to experience any level of pain?

Just today, it's like the right side of my body is boiling in pain. Couldn't move my shoulder, elbow or ankle without much difficulty and pain.  I drove with my left hand.  I skipped riding my horse after work.  I was a sight climbing stairs just now.  Over the years, I've adapted to using the less painful/swollen parts of my body to working harder as to make up for the weak, painful, immobile parts.  That usually gets me through the day however muscles and joints that were not sore before are now sore from getting the brunt of the work which then leads to your whole body in pain the rest of the day and oftentimes into the night.  It's an exhausting, vicious cycle, but one I and many others have to live with.  

At times, I can't think of any benefits from pain, but pain has actually been a good teacher for's made me see things differently.  When pain persists, and I'm in a teachable mood, it triggers me to start thinking and wondering about stuff that really matters.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, it causes me to really really rely on God for my physical needs and has also made me more feeling and sympathetic for others going through difficulties.  That in turn is one point of healing I get from pain.  Before pain, I never truly cared for anyone going through tough times, I was just glad it wasn't me.  Now my heart aches for others.   So God has used my pain to heal my selfish heart.  I've always wanted a heart like God and to be more like Him and pain is how He does this for me.  

I've asked God in painful moments...."What should I be doing for You while I'm still here?  Is there anything I can be doing even through all this pain.  Am I useful to You for something even during all this?"  Just living for Him and not giving up (Like Job) is one lesson He teaches me from pain. Pain can’t separate me from God. He is with me through the pain and it helps me knowing that my God can feel my pain and I know He can’t wait to heal me completely one day but for now I must serve Him through pain.

Pain has taught me to be thankful for little things like sharing a moment with a friend or family member. It’s also the little things like enjoying a walk with my dog or ride on my horses or having enough energy to dance and run! Pain teaches me to enjoy the moments of less pain or pain free days which hasn’t happened in a while….bummer but when it does I’ll be really thankful!!!

Perhaps most importantly, pain has even taught me to love God better.  I spend more time alone with Him during pain...not really sure anyone else would want to spend as much time with me as He has during my painful days, I'm not exactly fun in pain.  I know that some really do pray and sympathize with me (I love you guys!) they just don't understand me or the pain as much as my God does.  

I'm thankful that God sees the real me even through the pain.  He knows I'm weak and a mess, yet He loves to be with me even during my worst when I can barely offer Him anything.  You know what He tells me?  When I'm at my worst, when it hurts, when I'm frail, when my wisdom is lacking, when my strength is gone.....He tells me I can still love.  I can love Him and I can love others.  It's not hard.  In fact you can do both just by praying.  I love others because I love God and God calls us to love.  There are those of you who are easier to love like family but try loving them without first loving God. 

Pain is a good reminder to focus on what is real and lasting in my life,  Like my relationship with God.  Pain may break me down quite alot, but it builds me into the person that God wants me to be....real.  A real believer in Jesus focused on Him and what matters to Him.  Because pain is real and so is God.  Have you lost your focus on what is real and really matters?  

Pain helps keep me in check with this. I just want to be here to honor and love my God and proclaim His love for me and share it with others.  I want to love so real because He has changed me...and through me He changes others to see that it isn't me loving them, it's the REAL God in me loving them!  Wow can you imagine if we all loved this real?  As in God's real.  Not our best human real, but really loving like our heavenly God.    Ask God to make you real...His real.  You don't need to experience pain to be real for God.  Our world is falling apart because we aren't focused on the real GOD who gives us real answers to get through life.  Not many know how to be real for Him anymore.  Break your self. Let God build you.  Do less for yourself.  Do more for Him.  

Thanks Jesus for giving me a reminder to be real for you.  Though I'm ok with a little break from pain now and then!  ;) 


Prepares you to be who God desires you to be
Analyzes what needs changing
Informs you to what really matters in life
Nudges you closer to a better relationship with God