Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Horse Goals This Year! (Trying to get pumped!)

It's winter. No indoor area here so that kinda puts a big damper on horse training, but I've learned to take advantage of what I CAN do instead of what I can't with my horses whether that be a short ride, lounging, or a bit of liberty training.  Sometimes I sit and watch youtube videos of people working their horses in indoor arenas and they can get them to do all sorts of amazing things and that can put a damper on my spirits as I sit their thinking..."Man, what my horses could do if we had an indoor!" "If......"sure doesn't take you very far.  In fact that little word can be the reason one gives up and ceases to ever try to succeed!

I can't lie.  I have many dreams and goals to get done with my horses and it sometimes seems that we just keep getting older each year without getting any better or completing goals....that's just hogwash talk though....looking back we have come far and completed many goals and dreams and even exceeded expectations at times  for which I am grateful.  Why can't I be more grateful?  I guess I'm human.  Give me an inch and I want a mile!  Or I play the "compare game" which is never very fun either.

This year, I want to be more grateful in the things that we've already accomplished.  I want to focus on the small tries because that will lead to the big successes even if it does take the rest of my life!  I want to find ways to encourage my horses to do the right things while being themselves!  Most of all, I just want to be able to communicate to them in a gentle, loving way developing a deeper trust relationship and just plain have fun!!!  I want my horses to feel the excitement and joy I have for their efforts! What's that saying?  "If you know your appreciated, you'll do even greater things?"

I have loads of plans.....finish liberty stuff or work on more tricks?  Try more reining shows or go on an unforgettable horse vacation? (all of which takes money and tons of planning!)  Plan more trick horse demos or do I take on another start? Well whatever is in store God will be with us as we face another year and I say bring it on because I've got some amazing horses and everyday I get to be with them is a big blessing!!!

Both pics from this year doing our liberty act

Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's Small....It's Difficult....and only a Few Find It......

If you dare to start reading......I'd like you to know that I write what's on my heart at certain times because I feel like God wants me to remember it, share it and be encouraged by what He teaches me because I suffer from short term memory loss...I guess I need lots of reminders and this is a small way I can remember some things God's done for me.

Last year, I enjoyed many horse-back rides on my two horses going through creeks, ponds, ravines, up and down hills, through winding paths, over logs, crossing bridges, galloping through grasslands and many etc.  If there's one thing I like to do--it's trail riding!  Many trail riding places are set up with wider, easier to ride trails and then have narrow, tougher trails for the more experienced horse and rider.  Needless to say, I enjoy the tough ones that no one knows about and the parts where sometimes you just have to make up on your own and trust your horse!  Of course, that can be very dangerous and difficult, but oh the enjoyment of success and the beautiful relationship between horse and rider as the bond of trust gets a whole heap bigger as you face the challenges together!

Not very many people like to go on a difficult path.....In fact if you ask most people, they will tell you that they fear difficulties and want to get as far away from them as possible!  <--me included.  I'd rather not be scraped up with thorns or fall into holes and get hurt....or die! many times I too will take the easier, safer path. Unfortunately, God doesn't promise easy paths for His followers......and this would be a sad saying if....well let me tell you a little story that happened to me and my sister while out riding at our local park on a horse-back ride I will never forget:

This past year we were out riding in the fall and exploring all the hidden trails and finding new ones to take from here to there.  We came across a trail we had tried in previous years and never found where it went, but saw some horse prints on the narrow/barely visible path.  So we took it hoping to find a destination---the path was so overgrown that we had to stop and crack overhanging branches and thistles out of the way and many times when you are pushing through brush you end up bleeding from all the scraping....but we kept going.  We made it out of the thick brush to find the path gone!!! We lost it.  There were prints going to a creek, but no where to cross it....there were a few more tracks scattered here and there but nothing that looked real hopeful.  Disgusted, we decided to try riding up a steep ravine to see if we could see anything that looked like a path.  Nothing. Should we give up and turn around? No.  We were going to find a reason why this path was here.  We came to a beautiful overlook and could look down at the beautiful creek below us and suddenly I felt like the trip was worth it for the view.  We never did find a known path instead we chose a difficult path through a ravine to get to a spot on another narrow trail that would take us back to horse camp.  Another hard decision.  Where does one cross this ravine?  Would the horses trust us enough?  Would we have to go all the way back to where we started?  Dismounted I began searching for a good spot to cross and found what seemed to be a stable enough spot.  The way down was really steep...I asked my horse, Kitty, to move forward and she hesitated but I told her she could do it and asked gently again.  We went into the ravine---a bit more sinky than I thought but once across my girl went up the steep hill with ease.  Then it was Monica and Colty's turn and soon we were safely back on a more steady and comfortable path.  Suddenly, I had an amazing thought!  Look how far my relationship has come with my horse!  We truly have grown in love and trust of each other.  I trusted her to get me though safely and she trusted me to pick a safe spot to cross.  Sometimes it's very difficult to see where you stand in a relationship until it is tested.  From there, it determines whether your relationship grows or diminishes.  Thankfully, in our case, it grew!  And I never would have known if we hadn't picked a difficult path so full of obstacles and tough decisions to where I had to love enough to make a safe decision for both of us and fully rely/trust/believe my horse could carry me through!

Where am I going with this?  Well I could go on and on with this experience of what God was teaching me, but I'll just pull out a few things.
        1. Who/What am I fully relying on in life?  A survey said that 80% of Americans say they are Christians and believe in God, but only 7% to 8% say that they fully rely on God.  Ouch.  This is convicting for me.  How numb we can get!  It's so easy to say yes, I believe in Jesus...but do you really?  Do you really rely on Him for everything?  In everything?
        2.  Am I following the wide and easy path that the rest of the world follows or am I following the narrow, sometimes more difficult path that God wants me to follow?  Matthew 7:13-14 states that "You can enter God's Kingdom ONLY through the narrow gate.  The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who chose that way.  But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few find it."

"Only a few find it"---you know only a few of us found that trail.  Sure it was no easy path.  Downright obnoxious at times....but what joy was found on that path!  An experience that allowed me to get a closer relationship with my horse.  God gives us these ups and downs in life to see how much we really do rely on Him!  Yes.  Sometimes we fail....we don't think God can help us in a certain situation so we do what we think is best.  Arg!  How does that work for you?  I usually find myself in a nasty temper or loads of pounding stress and a hurting heart when I try doing things on my own.  I miss the point that God is trying to teach me! I miss the opportunity of having a closer relationship with God.  Don't let the downs and twists of life get to you---God just wants to develop a closer relationship with you and that is a beautiful sight and a joyous feeling well worth the struggles!!!

      3.  Keep Going!  I know you have difficulties.  Everyone does.  But keep pressing on in your love and reliance on Jesus because then you will be able to say, "I was one of the few who found it!" Praise God for the difficult road because it will deepen your relationship as He helps you through it! You are never alone when you have Jesus in your heart and that is one of my goals this year is to fully rely on Jesus.  Difficult?  YES!  But Romans 10:21 is a comforting verse to me:  All day long God has held out his hands to a disobedient and obstinate people (God's totally describing me!)! He invites Me (You) in with open arms!!!  I just want to jump into them and not let go!

Encourage each other!  I know I can always use encouragement!  I'd love to hear what God has been doing in your lives as well!  I love you all and hope to see you all soon in Heaven!  Happy 2015! Hallelujah!!!  We're all a year closer to eternity!!!

He leads me by still waters....He restores my soul.....Even though I walk through a dark valley I will fear no evil because you, Jesus, are with me.  Your goodness and love will be with me for the rest of my days and you will let me dwell in your house forever and ever.